i was physcially/verbally assulted at work by owners wife ??

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I work in a little country store here in ringgold virginia, today at was at work when the owners wife decided she did not like the shirt i was wearing and not only physcially assaulted me but also verbally assaulted me. not to mention humiliates me in front of an entire store of customers. The wife goes on to scream at me in the store as shes jerking on me and my clothes, is in my face putting her hands in my face so on got so bad the her husband the owner was there overheard this and got involed telling his wife that there was nothing worng with what i had on so on.. the wife goes on to accuse me of causing problems in the store and in her marriage, not to mention she is 4 months pg as well as im 9wks pg??? any advice on this situation would be so greatful... What type of steps should i take or can i take as well as leagl action ?? Can i file a lawsuit for this incident...???
I work in a little country store here in ringgold virginia, today at was at work when the owners wife decided she did not like the shirt i was wearing and not only physcially assaulted me but also verbally assaulted me. not to mention humiliates me in front of an entire store of customers. The wife goes on to scream at me in the store as shes jerking on me and my clothes, is in my face putting her hands in my face so on got so bad the her husband the owner was there overheard this and got involed telling his wife that there was nothing worng with what i had on so on.. the wife goes on to accuse me of causing problems in the store and in her marriage, not to mention she is 4 months pg as well as im 9wks pg??? any advice on this situation would be so greatful... What type of steps should i take or can i take as well as leagl action ?? Can i file a lawsuit for this incident...???

Yes, you certainly may file a lawsuit against this abusive beast.
You should schedule an appointment with a local attorney.
The initial consultation is normally free.
That way, you will at least know what your rights are and how to protect yourself.
Who knows, you might end up OWNING the store, and this savage she-beast will be working for you! :yes:

You can also file a report with the local police.
You say that customers observed her vicious, savage, unprovoked attack on you.
Those customers could tell everything they saw and heard.
If you do that, you'll most likely lose your job.
But, at least you won't lose your baby, your life, or both.
There's also that civil lawsuit that you might be able to file against her.

She's also guilty of creating a hostile work place.
Then there's the issue of your baby.
She's at least responsible for a medical checkup to see if your baby's doing okay after the brutal beating you suffered.
Yeah, you better see that lawyer muy pronto!!!

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how would i find a lawyer to take this case ?? do you know of any in this area ??

Just ask your relatives, friends, neighbors, they can give you better recommendations than I could.
Or, just look in the yellow pages, and start making a few phone calls.
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