I was rear ended and found at fault

... it was clear i was fully in the lane before slowing to make the right turn.
That really doesn't mean anything. If you cut in at the last moment, then of course you would have been "fully in the lane".
The police report even says that the contributing factor to the accident was the other guy following to closely.
That was just an opinion, and a questionable one at that based on what s/he was told.

One thing I'd like to point out is that one's perception of time, especially immediately before an accident, is often extremely unreliable.

For example, I had an accident 5 years ago (other guy's fault). From the moment I passed a certain point until the moment of impact felt like 10-15 seconds. I later had the opportunity to "recreate" the events just prior to the accident. In total, it was less than 5 seconds. As another example, just recently, my car was struck by an object thrown from the side of the road. I clearly remember seeing the item as it arced up (I perceived it as a bird) and then as it descended until hitting my car. It felt like a 5-second period, but upon later review of the dashcam footage, I could see that it less than 2 seconds.
I appreciate the great feedback, i feel like i owe you all. Definitely food for thought before proceeding to small claims, it seems like it may be harder than i thought to prove my case.

The individual involved (u3) is not cooperating at all not even to get his veh repaired. Considering how fast things happened im skeptical he would even be a good witness but he can definitely sway the case one way or the other.
The individual involved (u3) ... can definitely sway the case one way or the other.
Based on what is in the police report, I don't think he will. If all he's got to say is that he saw the other guy ran into you, then his testimony adds nothing, as there is no question that the other guy ran into you.
Considering how fast things happened im skeptical he would even be a good witness but he can definitely sway the case one way or the other.

You won't know until you ask what he saw, if anything, the minute or two before the impact.

If all he's got to say is that he saw the other guy ran into you,

It's likely that the officer didn't take an in depth statement, wanting to wrap things up quickly.

From driver 3's vantage point, instinct is likely to have had him watching traffic coming from his left. He might have seen more. Maybe not.
It's likely that the officer didn't take an in depth statement, wanting to wrap things up quickly.

From driver 3's vantage point, instinct is likely to have had him watching traffic coming from his left. He might have seen more. Maybe not.
Fair enough.

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