Idiot judge....can I get a new one?? Options?

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Among many other previous blunders by this judge, he is now imputing income that just is not there. I have an inactive real estate license (from which the judge says I "have the ability to earn income". Imputed amount $20,000 annually ( = $450/mo. more for child support)

First of all, it takes a lot of $$ to practice real estate, of which I do not have extra to pursue an additional career. I got the license through a broker's class in order to learn the industry and hopefully save money on a home purchase in the future. My ex's attorney wanted to impute income, but did not have a figure in mind. They were just planting the seed and also hinting that I could not afford my living situation on my income. I was forced to discuss my current spouse's income in order to show that we could afford our bills.

My attorney cannot believe the decision of the judge to impute this income which is non-existent and there is no proof. I brought current pay stubs. I have also provided documentation from the brokerage showing that I have not earned anything using this license since I obtained it in 11/2004. My attorney says we can appeal, but there is no guarantee of the outcome and it will go before the same judge. It's a lose/lose proposition. I pay my attorney $2500 (I have to borrow) to appeal now or I become about $5,000 more in arrears every year for the next 3 years.

Keep in mind that this judge will also handle all of my future hearings. That's reassuring.

Please help. This judge is lazy and easily manipulated by my ex's "I'm a victim" routine.

I'm not trying to avoid paying child support, I just want to do what is fair. I cannot afford to pay an extra $450/mo. If I do nothing I will be about $20,000 in arrears before I can request another hearing (36 months from now).

What state are you in? How much are you making on average? Imputed income is used alot, when somebody voluntarily quits a higher paying job and gets a lower paying one, or has a degree but works at walmart, etc.. Is he calculating your CS off of 20k more per year, or 20k flat out?

20k is not a very high salary. If that is what he is basing your CS off of, you should be able to get a job that pays more than that, depending on where you live.

If I am not understanding you correctly let me know.
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