If a wife starts consulting divorce lawyers, do you think it marks the beginning.

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If a wife starts consulting divorce lawyers, do you think it marks the beginning of the end of the marriage?

My friend's wife is consulting divorce lawyers. They have been married for about 7 years and have three children, 5, 3 and 10 months. Things are obviously very bad between them. What do you think the chances are of the marriage surviving this? Should he also consult a divorce lawyer having heard from her that that is what she's doing?
Nobody can possibly know for sure what is going on. There are obviously some problems in the marriage. He can ask her for marital counselling to see if she is willing to go. The thing he needs to remember is that those are his kids too and mom does not dicate what happens with them. If the marriage cannot be saved then he should see if mom is willing to do some mediation to sort out custody and visitation.
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