Domestic Violence & Civil Orders If DVPO petition gets denied, what legal resources does Respondent have to keep petitioner away?

Thank you for your response.

Totally agree - I want to keep myself away from the petitioner. So, I'm seeking what provisions does law provide to do that IF and AFTER I get the current petition denied.

There are already numerous laws on the books in all 50 states, 6 odd territories, military bases, even federal laws preventing heinous crimes such as: domestic violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, rape, robbery, murder, etc...

Everyday, 24/4/365 those laws and others are violated by the ill mannered, uncouth, brutish thugs that live among us.

No pretty piece of legal paper, emblazoned with a massive gold seal is going to keep a brutal thug from having his/her way with you.

Don't think a piece of paper is going to keep that thug from brutalizing and battering you.

Heck, our laws in place don't stop these dangerous savages, either.

The best thing you can do to avoid such an evil monster is disappear yourself.

Move 1,000, 2,000, even 5,000 miles away from the thuggish she/he/it beast.

Erase all social media.

Inform only three or four of your most trusted relatives or friends where you'll be relocating.

It might be a mere 100 miles away, as long as you do it surreptitiously.

Without children to make your SELF DISAPPEARANCE act complicated, you only need HIDE yourself.

There are many groups and/agencies that can tutor you, inform you, and provide you with the assistance that such an effort requires.

Here are a few in your state:

Get Help Now – Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)

Domestic Violence

Adult Protective Services | DSHS

Resources by state on violence against women | Office on Women's Health

Vulnerable Adult Abuse | Washington State

Find Sexual Abuse Group Therapy and Support Groups in Washington - Psychology Today

Finding a Narcissistic Abuse Support Group

There are already numerous laws on the books in all 50 states, 6 odd territories, military bases, even federal laws preventing heinous crimes such as: domestic violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, rape, robbery, murder, etc...

Everyday, 24/4/365 those laws and others are violated by the ill mannered, uncouth, brutish thugs that live among us.

No pretty piece of legal paper, emblazoned with a massive gold seal is going to keep a brutal thug from having his/her way with you.

Don't think a piece of paper is going to keep that thug from brutalizing and battering you.

Heck, our laws in place don't stop these dangerous savages, either.

The best thing you can do to avoid such an evil monster is disappear yourself.

Move 1,000, 2,000, even 5,000 miles away from the thuggish she/he/it beast.

Erase all social media.

Inform only three or four of your most trusted relatives or friends where you'll be relocating.

It might be a mere 100 miles away, as long as you do it surreptitiously.

Without children to make your SELF DISAPPEARANCE act complicated, you only need HIDE yourself.

There are many groups and/agencies that can tutor you, inform you, and provide you with the assistance that such an effort requires.

Here are a few in your state:

Get Help Now – Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)

Domestic Violence

Adult Protective Services | DSHS

Resources by state on violence against women | Office on Women's Health

Vulnerable Adult Abuse | Washington State

Find Sexual Abuse Group Therapy and Support Groups in Washington - Psychology Today

Finding a Narcissistic Abuse Support Group


Thank you for sharing these resources.

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