Illegal Aliens/Can they sue you?

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I was driving my kids to school a couple of months ago and I hit someone who was outside the crosswalk completely. This person only had only scrapes since I was not driving fast. She still went by ambulance to the hospitol. I did not have insurance at the time on my vehicle. I agree I should pay some but not all cost of medical bills. The person who I hit was a child and her mother is an illegal alien, can they sue me??
Q: The person who I hit was a child and her mother is an illegal alien, can they sue me??

A: Yes.
We had a case out here in AZ very similar to that. A woman and her children were crossing a street, they were NOT in a marked crosswalk and one of the kids got hit by a car and was severely injured. The DA was considering charging the mom with negligence since she was not in control of her kids, and they were not in a crosswalk. I am not sure what happened here, but just because you hit someone does not mean you were at fault however driving without insurance was a terrible idea, and illegal.

Were either of you cited?
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