Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Illegal immigrants nanny hurt my child


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This was happened 6/3/2016, it's been more than a year, I can't find peace still...

So feb 2016, we relocated to Seattle and was in a rash to find a nanny, I posted on newspaper and interviews a few until I found the nanny, we knew she was on tourist visa but since her daughter (working for amazon) said she is working on her legal status so we just go ahead hired her. (Biggest mistake in life)

Anyways so 6/3/2016, she took my daughter back then about 20 months old to the lounge in our apt building to play, she was on her phone and my daughter was playing a brass coffee table which knock over and crushed her hand causing her lost right thumb growth plate which will no longer grow in her life... (2 surgeries)

Because the nanny was illegal we are afraid of all the legal problem would cause us that's why we don't do anything, but as of today I'm still can't find peace in myself so please help me!!!

I don't wanna the nanny doing more to hurt other families.
No. As you describe it I do not even see negligence. There is nothing in what you've said that raises any concern about the nanny. This doesn't mean she wasn't negligent, but you aren't describing negligence, and there is no reason to believe the nanny is dangerous to children.
Nobody watches their kid every moment of the day. Accidents happen all the time. This doesn't seem to be anything more than an unfortunate accident.
Since she is illegal immigrants, is there anyway I can report her so she doesn't looking for other jobs?

You said she wasn't an illegal immigrant - she was here on a tourist visa. That's not illegal.

She wasn't supposed to be working, but then again YOU hired her knowing she wasn't allowed to work.

You were not there when the child got hurt so you don't even know what happened.
This was happened 6/3/2016, it's been more than a year, I can't find peace still...

So feb 2016, we relocated to Seattle and was in a rash to find a nanny, I posted on newspaper and interviews a few until I found the nanny, we knew she was on tourist visa but since her daughter (working for amazon) said she is working on her legal status so we just go ahead hired her. (Biggest mistake in life)

Anyways so 6/3/2016, she took my daughter back then about 20 months old to the lounge in our apt building to play, she was on her phone and my daughter was playing a brass coffee table which knock over and crushed her hand causing her lost right thumb growth plate which will no longer grow in her life... (2 surgeries)

Because the nanny was illegal we are afraid of all the legal problem would cause us that's why we don't do anything, but as of today I'm still can't find peace in myself so please help me!!!

I don't wanna the nanny doing more to hurt other families.

She's not an illegal immigrant. She's on a visa.

Accidents happen. My daughter just fell and busted her lip at daycare a few weeks ago. They called me and I took her to the ER. She was fine. She has bumped her head. She has busted her lip or fallen down when I've watched her. She's a toddler. That's what they do.

Nothing illegal has occurred so what would you even report the nanny for doing? What if it had happened while you were with her would you want someone to report you?
please help me!

Help you how? You hired someone to take care of your kid, and that person may or may not have done her job in a negligent manner. You're free to sue her and see what happens, but I doubt she has much in the way of assets or income and, in any event, suing her won't undo the damage that was done.

Nanny was playing her phone instead watching my kid, that's not crime?

You've got to be kidding....

Since she is illegal immigrants, is there anyway I can report her so she doesn't looking for other jobs?

You can report anything you like to anyone you like. You wrote that this woman was on a tourist visa, so she wasn't an "illegal immigrant" at the time (although she might be now if she's still in the U.S. after all this time). As noted above, while she shouldn't have been working on a tourist visa, you apparently knew she only had a tourist visa yet illegally hired her anyway, so you might be careful about what you report and to whom.
First of all, if she was here on a tourist visa she wasn't an "illegal immigrant". Secondly, she did not "hurt your child", your child had an accident while in her care. Toddlers have accidents, anyone who is a parent has probably been present when their kid had an accident. It's not like the nanny somehow deliberately knocked over the coffee table onto your child's hand.

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