I'm in lease limbo and I don't know if I have to pay rent


New Member
For context: we live in Ohio and for the past year, my boyfriend and I have been under a lease with Landlord A. Recently, he sold the building. Our lease with him is up and we were asked to sign the new one for Landlord B. We're moving somewhere else because the new landlord is charging us way too much for this awful apartment, so we never signed the lease. Technically, we've been living here about a month without any contract of any kind. We haven't even paid this month's rent yet. Landlord B knows we're moving soon and has asked us to pay rent anyway despite never entering into an agreement with her. We will be moving within two weeks or less.

My question is: without a lease in place with either Landlord A or Landlord B, are we legally required to pay rent for this past month?
For context: we live in Ohio and for the past year, my boyfriend and I have been under a lease with Landlord A. Recently, he sold the building. Our lease with him is up and we were asked to sign the new one for Landlord B. We're moving somewhere else because the new landlord is charging us way too much for this awful apartment, so we never signed the lease. Technically, we've been living here about a month without any contract of any kind. We haven't even paid this month's rent yet. Landlord B knows we're moving soon and has asked us to pay rent anyway despite never entering into an agreement with her. We will be moving within two weeks or less.

My question is: without a lease in place with either Landlord A or Landlord B, are we legally required to pay rent for this past month?

Yes, you must pay rent. Do you honestly believe that you can squat in this persons property, rent free, till you get around to moving?
Plan on losing your security deposit and being sued as well.
Your prior lease should have a clause in it that states it will continue month to month after it expires. Since Landlord B purchased the property he/she also purchased your lease with Landlord A. So you would be required to pay Landlord B rent. Don't be a disrespectful person in life. Don't look for stupid excuses to not pay rent. If you do.... You lose your man card in life as a worthless person. :-)
Technically, we've been living here about a month without any contract of any kind.

That's almost certainly not true. Take a look at the lease you signed with Landlord A. I'll bet a dollar that it contains a provision that says something like the following: "Upon the expiration of this lease, the tenancy will continue on a month-to-month basis on the same terms contained in this lease." If that's the case, then that's your situation, with Landlord B as Landlord A's successor in interest.

We haven't even paid this month's rent yet.


My question is: without a lease in place with either Landlord A or Landlord B, are we legally required to pay rent for this past month?

You're kidding, right? You didn't really think that you were entitled to live there rent-free, did you?
You're kidding, right? You didn't really think that you were entitled to live there rent-free, did you?

I wish they were. Sadly, I've seen plenty off such attitudes posted lately on social media that owners don't deserve rent money - "Why should we pay their mortgage? Why should we pay rent and have nothing to show for it?"

Anyone who begs to differ is called a troll - "You're obviously a landlord."
Welcome to the birth of another "socialist" nation.
Bid a fond farewell to what used to be known as a Representative Republic.
May the former United States of America rest in eternal peace.L9lS.gif
I've seen plenty off such attitudes posted lately on social media that owners don't deserve rent money -"Why should we pay their mortgage? Why should we pay rent and have nothing to show for it?"

Answer to the people who are stupid enough to ask that question:

You're welcome to sleep in a parking lot or alley with all your worldly possessions in a stolen shopping cart.

It didn't occur to you that it could be a man who has a boyfriend?!
I believe that it did and that Jack was pointing out that the odds are low of that, even in this day and age. Could he be wrong? Yep.

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