I'm in serious trouble

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Due to a physically and emotionally abusive situation at home, I did something absolutely stupid.

I work for a big department store, and I rang up fictitious returns and refunded the money to my own personal credit card to use to pay for groceries, car problems, etc. ($22,408.00)

Today when I went into work I was called into a room with 2 "fact finders." They had all the evidence they needed on me, copies of the transactions, video tapes, etc. I was terminated from my job and told that criminal charges would be filed against me.

I was not arrested today but was told I would be called when a warrant was issued for my arrest and my best bet would be to turn myself in.

I'm a college student. Out of the $ that I took, I barely have $1000 left. I don't know what to do. I can't turn to my parents, as they are the ones who cause the physical/emotional abuse and I've called my best friend and asked her to keep her cell phone on her so that she can post bail when I'm taken into custody.

I know the charge against me is a felony. I have no previous criminal record or any idea how criminal cases work.

I know I can't afford a lawyer, but since I do live at home, I don't know if I will be allowed to have a court appointed one either. Criminal lawyers are going to cost over 5 grand from what one told me and she also said none offer payment plans or anything. I don't know if thats true, I will begin to call around in the morning, after I look for a new job, but please, any and all advice would be appreciated.

If anyone can offer any advice, I would appreciate it all.
Oh yeah, I signed an agreement to pay back the entire sum of $, beginning with a payment of $100.00 which I gave them today. I was told to make sure to keep making payments until it goes to trial, as it will look better for me.

I don't know if this makes any difference or not.
its in the state of MD and the offense is credit card fraud or something like that, they wouldn't talk to me for too long they kept saying they had other places to be and other things to do
Yes, you are in serious trouble. No matter what the crime will be called in the charge, it will most probably be a felony which potentially carries serious jail time.

So you need to get going and get a lawyer to plan how to deal with the prosecutor.

First go to your nearest office of the Public Defender Service and see if you are eligible. You should not wait until you are charged or arrested! Go tomorrow!

Here you find the addresses: http://www.opd.state.md.us/locations/locations.htm
Would you happen to know what the chances are for probation in a case like this? or how much jail time there is?

the people at work today just brushed off my questions but i need any help you guys can give
This is a complicated question which you should discuss with your lawyer.

Maryland has voluntary sentencing guidelines, which means the judge doesn't need to observe them.

If you do not have any prior record I think probation is possible, but since I have no experience with Maryland law don't take that for granted. Go and get a lawyer and ask him.
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