In a park after hours


New Member
So my sisters and I were in a park on the dock taking pictures, about 10 minutes after sunset (it was still light out but we didn't notice the time) a park worker (im assuming because he had a truck with a plow on it) called out to us, "Park is closed".
I yelled back sorry and we went to grab our equipment, while he waited in his truck for us to leave. He followed us 3/4 out of the park and then finally turned right into the path of where the park office is... So my question is, without asking for my ID or letting us know that we could receive a ticket, can I expect a ticket in the mail??? Im just worried that he got my license plate and if he is a cop he will write the ticket and send it in the mail and if he isn't a cop he will pass the license plate along to one...
You're good.... Since you left when requested nothing will happen. If you would have refused to leave that would be a different story. They would have given you a ticket right then.
Not really sure what you're asking. Folks here have no way of intelligently predicting the likelihood that some unknown park employee in an unknown city in Illinois will send you a ticket for violating some unknown law. Most people wouldn't worry about something so trivial.
My girlfriend and I were in a park on night, fooling around in the back seat. A police car rolled up behind us. The officer shined his light in the car window and told us to leave. I'm sure he ran my plates. Will I get a citation. I'm worried sick about it.
You're good.... Since you left when requested nothing will happen. If you would have refused to leave that would be a different story. They would have given you a ticket right then.
I did hesitate for a second and yelled "2 more seconds!" And then when I
After seeing this thread come to the top 5 times, I couldn't resist.


very funny! I just tend to overthink and worry sick about any slight inconvenience... had we just checked the time we would've been out of there and not had to deal with worrying about this...

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