My stepson is 16yrs old now we've always known him to be a great kid and would always come to us with problems and questions .... lately that has not been the case. We first thought this to be him just being a teenager. His ex wife has also been having issues with her current husband and in normal circumstances she has alway's relayed information knowing that her life and decision's affect's her son's life and behavior. They are now divorcing even though she will not tell my husband this they are not living together and my stepson confirm's the situation . He has not been himself at all lately no interest in sport's no interest in really anything until recently we have found that he is interested in smoking marijuanna and drinking alcohol with his mother. and that isnt the worst she has exposed him to a undesirable crowd that she hang's out with at a out of the way location that is known for drug use and heavy drinking parties. What can we do to get him out of this situation in a delacate way with out harming him or making him hate us? We do plan on drug testing him on his next visit and wondering if CPS should be involved and if they would even investigate our CPS here has an awful reputation for letting parent's know when they are coming and what to exspect. which as we all know just solves the problem temporarily. My husband is also in law enforcement and does not know even where to start and is overwhelmed .