Roomate In The Process Of Evicting Roommate, But Can I?

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New Member
Hi there!

About 6 months ago me and my roommate "H" and "J"found a place in Los Angeles however I was the only one in town at the time to meet with the landlord to supply three applications. We passed and again I was the only one to sign the lease however the landlord told me I had to list "H" and "J" as named renters on the lease.

For the first month I collected rent to pay the landlord but "J" was late and that resulted in my check getting bounced. So i told my roommates that they would have to supply separate checks to the landlord.The third month he's late again, fourth month he was entrusted with dropping off the checks at the po box but since he didn't write the complete info on the envelope the post office mailed it back to us and we were late again.

He bounced on Feb's rent and we were served with a three day notice to pay or quit so my roommate paid his portion. He now doesn't have March's rent. He previously broke the lease by adopting a pit bull (now returned) without anyone's permission, the dog damaged the drywall in this room, again even though "H" and I said no, he lets his friend stay for a month to help him with the bills.

We were to split utilities between the three of us but to date he's only paid $50 while the power bill climbs.

So basically I'm done. My property manager said that since I was the only one to sign the lease "J" is basically a sub leaser and that I not the landlord has to evict him. I served the 30 day and I'm about to serve the 3 day on top of that.

I just want to make sure that I can evict this inconsiderate freeloader.

I don't have a separate contract/lease with "H" or "J" but I used the notice from

It's a one year lease on the apt. Please help I have severe anxiety over this :-(
Also if we live in the same place do I really need to mail the notice as well? He had disappeared to NY for apparently a couple days which turned into two weeks without him telling us while we dealt with a possible eviction. So I tacked it on his door on the 26th and he finally came back on the 27th. So if I mail it tomorrow apparently that means he has until APRIL 4th, right? :-( I want him out yesterday.
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