Inactive extended warranty

I purchased a 2015 kia sol back in November 2018. The extended warranty I initially purchased with the vehicle is good for 3 years, or 100k miles. My car is currently around 86k miles. I ended up having car trouble around February last year due to engine failure. I took the vehicle in to see if the extended warranty can cover the cost to fix my vehicle. Upon doing so I received a call from Kia a few days later stating that they could not cover because there is no active warranty. I called the company that provides the warranty and was told that the warranty is not active and they attempted to contact the dealer multiple times with no reply. I have contacted the dealer multiple times throughout the year with limited success due to the current circumstances.I had personally show up so they can fix the issue and was told by the supposed GM that he would get this sorted out. Countless times I have gotten no response when I call and the run around saying ill be called back until ultimately I was offered another extended warranty. I don't understand why I would need to sign for another warranty having already paid for one. I requested to have them send the form to view via email and have not received a response. I do not know what to do and need as much advice as I can acquire. Thank you in advance!
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extended warranty

You might be able to seek relief through state agencies:

Guide to Automobile Service Contracts, Extended Warranties and Other Repair Agreements

Contact regarding complaints concerning poor quality auto repairs

Bureau of Automotive Repair

10949 North Mather Blvd.Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Toll free: (866) 799-3811

Web site:

Contact Arbitration Certification Program regarding Lemon Law information

Department of Consumer Affairs

1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite N-112Sacramento, CA 95834

Direct Office: (916) 574-7350

Toll free: (800) 952-5210

Web site:

Contact manufacturer new car warranties and Lemon Law information

New Motor Vehicle Board

1507 21st Street, Suite 330

Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-1888

Web site:
If the dealer were to provide the repair at no charge (or, possibly just whatever your per-incident cost is) and also offer a replacement to the warranty at no (further) charge, would that resolve the matter to your satisfaction?
Absolutely, but this has been so time consuming and the fact that ive been getting the run around has made me want to cancel the warranty, if thats even possible. It was added to my finance of the vehicle so I would like to get the money I paid for the warranty back. I
Absolutely, but this has been so time consuming and the fact that ive been getting the run around has made me want to cancel the warranty, if thats even possible. It was added to my finance of the vehicle so I would like to get the money I paid for the warranty back. I
I would suggest a written request for either the solution I suggested above, or the alternate solution you proposed.
I agree it is long past time for you to be documenting this issue. Stop with the phone calls and visits to the dealership and start a paper trail.

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