inappropriate hiring

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hi everyone, I'm from the south of Texas and recently a hurricane hit the area and there are companies offering temporal jobs as labors to clean certain areas of the city.I applied to a company and the contractor ask me and almost everyone hire to lie on the application (on personal references and previous works) and they did not make any physical or drug test neither we receive orientation or safety information and I think that's negligent. The second day of work the employer fired me and my brother because we did not have a driver license nor state id, we only have a resident Alien card as a picture id and he also stated that he will not recognise I worked for him the first day until I have a driver license or state id, I research and the company require the employees to have driver license to be hire.

my questions are:

it is illegal for a temporal disaster relief company to have workers with out physical or drug test neither orientation and safety information?

if it is illegal what can I do?

what can i do to ensure my payment if they do not gave me any prof that I worked we them but I have witness?
Drug testing is not required by law in Texas. No state requires orientation and safety training is only required in a very small handful of industry specific situations.

So no, it is not illegal.

If you were not paid for work you did, you can file a complaint with the TWC. You do not have to prove you worked; he has to prove you did not.
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