INDIANA: Vocational Rehabilitation Services

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I receive SSD and I am functionally deaf (60% loss in both ears) but can hear with hearing aids. I have been trying to reach my occupational goal with vocrehab for over five years but they continually stall. I have contracted with them and provided whatever they've asked for and have been told I would receive a $30K small business start up grant as well as new hearing aids (I only have one barely working aid at present).

I have just completed all hearing tests and evaluations and paid out-of-pocket to see my doctor rather than one of their contracted doctors. They say they will honor his recommendations but I must go to their contracted doctor to have the hearings aids dispensed or they will not pay for them, even in part. I am under the assumption that I have the right to use my doctor and vocrehab must at least pay what they would pay a contracted doctor. Is this correct?

Thank you.
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