Ineptitude and lame excuses from collections agent

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Hello, I've been contacted by parties who claim to be some kind of attorney's office about a bill I owe to Discover. First off, when they called, they didn't call me, they called my parents house and instead of leave a message for me, the man on the phone decided to give every last scrap of information he could to my father (who is not on the account nor has anything to do with it), even after he told this man numerous times he was not the person he was looking for. This included my SS#, the amount of the debt, and how long it had been since they had last recieved payment (which was wrong)

I live away from home for months on end and when I did reutrn home a few weeks ago, I called the company on this issue and made it known I did not appreciate them handing out my personal information, to anybody. What I got then was alot of back tracking, saying that they had the account listed under a Richard Andrew,which is backwards, that they thought it was some kind of fraud, and the guy just generally stuttered until I got sick of listening to him and told him I wanted to talk to my father and I would call back.

I never did becuase 2 days later I was called again( at 8am on a Sat.) by someone else who was decidedly rude and I told them I was already speaking to someone on the matter and that I would deal with them personally. I have, since then, recieved 2 more calls from different people and I have not heard another whisper out of the man who was supposed to be talking to me.

It's getting very frustrating trying to deal with these people. I'm not sure wether the guy's little song and dance about how they thought it was a fraud case, and apparently had my name in the computer incorrectly(backwards). So far I've heard nothing about payment options, I don't have an address for them , I've never seen a scrap of paper with a name or amount on it, and their calls are starting to get rude. I'm at my wits end as to what to do with these idiots.

Can anyone gime me some advice here?
First of all, do you dispute the bill? If you do, you must send a written letter to tem disputing it. You should send it via some certified method. Mention what happened in the letter.

Second, see if you can get hold of a supervisor. If you cannot, find out if it is an attorney's office. If it is, you can always bring up the matter with the state bar. Trust me, that will get the attention of the attorney but don't do this prematurely as it is someone's livelihood.

Third, if they are a sham then file a complaint with the state attorney general.

It is possible that they had one idiot who is (maybe by now "was") working for them. Just do a little to fortify your position and then do what you have to do.

being a collector for about 5 years....not the same person handles your account all the time. most collectors are on a "dialer"
which means the call goes through & the account pops up on their
computer, you have about 20 seconds to view the account & go into your "collector mode." for the part about giving your account
info to your illegal! FDCPA VIOLATION BIG TIME!!!!!
YOUR PERMISSION! if you live in a "special state," they could have made even bigger violations ! call back & tell them you are asking
them to honor a verbal " cease & desist ." if they do not honor verbal warnings, you must put it on paper! if they continue to call
you may sue them! ( if i remember correctly, you can sue them for
about $1,200 per violation..... that may be different now....more or
less, not sure!) hope this helps
dropping the debt?

I have been talking with a few people and from what i gather could i force the company to drop the debt due to them disclosing my information in lieu of filing suit against them? I plan on mailing a written cease and desist order and I want to know if I have any grounds to request the matter be dropped due to that. I do not want to deal with these people but having them instead pawn me off on some other scumbags does not sound very good either.

Just asking.
pay pay pay!!!!!!!!

they may settle the account with you....but i doubt that they will drop it ! according to law if the the collector did not give info intentionally....meaning they really thought it was a fraud account
& it had been coded as such, they will use that in defense to your
claim. you did sign a disclosure agreement saying you would make
a standard (minimum) payment each month or suffer the consequences of possible legal action, that contract agreement
is binding. nothing can stop you from paying hard ball with the credit card try it & see. the last thing they want is a bad rep, let them know you will contact every major newspaper & inform them of fcc violations. who wants a credit card from a company that will give all your persoanl info to just anyone? remeber if you do not pay the debt, it will affect your credit & they may go ahead & sue you anyway! they have high $$$$ attorneys
that will make them look like angels & you like a dead beat ! not that you are, but you understand where i' m coming from right?
Last goddamn straw

Me chiming in again, got a message from my roommate when I got in today that someone, who had called for me, (I'm only guessing who) had left the message "If he thinks it's funnny we'll see him in court." Left no name, never attemptted to identify himself, no contact #.

Now, in all fairness, my roommate likes to goof around with people when they call and he didn't know who it was or anything else and thought it was someone calling for a friend of his, when his friend took the phone he realized it wasn't anyone he knew ,he hung up.

The caller, I'm told, called immediately back and left that message before hanging up the phone. Needless to say I am more than alittle angry about this sort of treatment and am writing a cease and desist this second, in which I will make it well known that, first off, I do not appreciate that manner of message at all. I find it highly offensive. Secondly, if they do sue me, I will file a counter suit on my own behalf for threats, harrassment, and thrid party disclosure.

I'm not a legal genius by any strech of the imagination, but from what I've read of the FDCPA, they have gone well over the line of what is legally accpetable behavior, and I for one will not stand for it.

Any thoughts?
Written letter and report them to the local BBB and the state attorney general (file a complaint). Send them the cease and desist and you may even be able to recover punitive damages in court with further harassment. Make sure to write down the date and time of each contact and save all your evidence!
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