Injury at work-No proper lifting equipment

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I work for an an appliance company that deals with residential and commercial installation and repair of washing machines and dryers. About two months ago, my supervisor and I were delivering a stackable washer and dryer to a second story of a townhome. The stackable unit got stuck between the outside bannister ceiling and the steps. He was pushing from the bottom, as I was pulling from the top. I felt a really sharp pain in my back. I told him of this right away. At the time, I continued to work, thinking that I had pulled a muscle in my back. well, about a month ago, I was on my route, and my back popped. The pain was so severe that I dropped to my knees and could hardly walk. My company sent me to the urgent care, where x-rays were done. The doctor told me that I had received a lower lumbar strain. After being in physical therapy for about a week, I met my new therapist who has a doctorate in physical therapy. She found that I have an injured rib, injured thorassic, and a lwoer lumbar strain. I asked if this came from that day delivering the stackable. She said that since I have been doing this for three years, the constant wear on my back has done it. My company does not supply the proper back supports for this job, and are not offered the the employees. Can I take legal action against this company? Thanks for your time.
What did your work comp attorney say when you asked all your questions?
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