Insurance & medical info.

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I just found out my husbands employer has acsess to all our claims to the Health Ins. co. for the last 4 yrs. The employer is in Indiana & is a large co. Ins. is company sponsored. The employer (H.R. Dept.) cant acsess what treatment was done but can see when anyone in my family went to the Dr. They know who was treated, the Dr. that treated them & what kind of Dr. & clinic it was at. Can an employer get all that info with out our permission? I dont see why employer should know my 13 yr.old saw a psychiatrist last year & was at a psych clinic for 8 hrs on 2/12/05.
Is this a violation of Hippa or something? I feel our privacy has been violated. I see the potiential for employers to use such information against some employees. (of course proving any problems derived from such info would be difficult)
Can we stop the Ins. Co. from providing this much identifiable info to employer?
Are you getting your health insurance through the company your husband works for?
yes, we get it through the company. The Ins. co. is third party but employer pays a portion of employees cost of ins. The employer has about 5000 employees .
yes, we get it through the company. The Ins. co. is third party but employer pays a portion of employees cost of ins. The employer has about 5000 employees .

What did the insurance company say when you asked your questions?
Grouchy start your own thread. You hijacked someone elses. Plus you don't state your problem with enough details for any one to help.

all i did is change the yeas so i be older then i was by 3 three this ther eny way to fix it so it wright how much troubl wwell i be in , thank foe you help
i change the year so i could get married so i could get out of the house , think were nit good all way fiting with my mom and sister so i married when i wasd 16, but no one wood sing foe me so i change the year ONLR to makr me older to get married this was in the 1970 , so does that help ypu eny did i real do want you said want kind of trouble am i in and want do i do
who should i go talk to about this trouble i did hurt eny one just so dumthing i di to get out my house i quit school and movie away far way so please help me i trying to make it wrtgh please help i did uae no other i juast changr the one number on the year .from 4 to a 1 that all i not get eny moeer from it people wan hire 16 year old when i lok for akob back in 1970, plesas help me
Grunchy do you know how to check your private messages? Go there for answers. What state and city were you born in? What kind of trouble do you think you will get in? You can use the internet to go to the city and state you born in and try and find the county birth records department. Type name of the city and then the state, then type in birth records. There should be a list of phone numbers for the departments and of someone there that you can call and talk to. Only tell them you need a copy of your birth certificate. The one they will send you (you will have to pay for it) will have the correct date. Follow their instructions on how to order one.
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