Criminal Records, Expungement International about expungement

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i am just not sure how American government give information to other governments.

so American Gov would not tell if it is expunged?
if it is not, then they will tell?
if other government ask that through immigration and immigration will sure have my record, it is not expunged for them, so what would they say???
people said it would not be illegal but they will not allow me to get that job at all.(black-list me)

what is clearance?? how can I get one?
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so American Gov would not tell if it is expunged?
Yes they would not. No one I have heard of has complained.

If it is not, then they will tell?
They say they never tell……..Even the FBI would say there is nothing. Once the record is expunged all records in court and everywhere are destroyed or moved to a location where no one has access.

If other government ask that through immigration and immigration will sure have my record, it is not expunged for them, so what would they say???
They would say there are no records. Other governments don't have the papers to prove there is a record. Only the US can validate a record so they would say there is no record. Read more about expunctions online.
People said it would not be illegal but they will not allow me to get that job at all. (Black-list me)
Your crime is too small to be blacklisted. Stop listening to people who do not know the law!

what is clearance?? how can I get one?
You don't need security clearance. Some jobs which are usually opened mainly to US citizens require it……..Google and read about security clearance.
i did do a lot of google search. but my english is not good enough to understand it well.

and when it gets to international, it gets even more confusing. I just wondering that this case is in the USA but how do other countries look at this law and expungement? do they accept the result of the expungement? some local lawyers are not sure about that either... i do want to be a teacher in USA or my country. they always ask about criminal record. i just dont want them to think i am lying because of the any misunderstand.

i said 2000 because of lawyer, fine, that website. total it is around 2000... :(

thanks a lot. i do learn a lot.

Why pay a lawyer to do it? Expungemnts are usually a one time deal, and if the lawyer screws up, you may never get it removed.

The process itself is simple, you only file a couple of forms, and you only have to pay a small filing fee, and perhaps a small fee for the order.
The catch is, it is up to the judge you go befor if you will get the expungment or not.

You have to be sure that enough time has elapsed befor you file for expungment. You don't want the case dismissed because of something like that.

People don't realise that you can expunge civil records as well.
To Scooterdog,
I think in mississippi, you have to have a lawyer to do it. I saw one lawyer said he would do it for 1000 dollars (at least) but the one I will use is 350. i am quite disappointed that bad lawyer is everywhere on earth... even in my country.

To mafioso,
All I learned is from other law forum like this one. iam not sure which one i should listen too because they tell me like "iyou should follow the law of the country not US state law ...."

Sometimes it gets really confusing because i dont know who those people are and what their background. seem like you are more professional so I would trust you more. But i do wish there is a law written down that say that. that is some solid proof...

I want to be a teacher.... teacher and alcohol to minor... that does sound bad... :(
You never have to have/ or need a lawyer. Someone's pumpin your head full of BS. All you have to do is file a petition for expungement and order, Temp. rest. order and affidavit.

I don't see that Mississippi has expungement. Here is what I find:

Right to inspect and obtain copy of your records: 45-27-11

Purging(Erasing) NON-conviction info: 45-27-9(2),(4)

Purging conviction info: 45-27-9(10); 45-27-11

Civil Remedies:

Fed. Reg. 28, Part 20, and 1983 civil rights suit.

IT appears you will be going to Federal Court if you want anything done. How many years have ellapsed?

You can only seal your records in that state, you will have to File a Petition for Expungement in your Federal Court. They should expunge for you.

If you need a petition, order, Temp. Rest. order, and example of Aff., let me know.
actually the judge told me to find a lawyer to expunge my record.... :eek:
well i want it be taken care well so i think i may get a law and everyone I asked in the city hall told me to find a lawyer :o . well now i have no money so I will wait.

Is expungement that good to me??? sometimes I asked myself this.:confused:
International law may be different but I stand by what I said. The whole point of expunging records is to clear something which could negatively affect your life....That is the spirit of why the laws exist. So if the jurisdiction of the crime wipes it and tell you, you can continue like it never happened.......I think that is clear. If you have to declare it at every turn, then expunctions serve no use. I am not an expert in international law, but I know if the records no longer exist, there is no point declaring it in your home country. You can consult specialist on international law........I limit myself to US law.
never happened. ok i guess i just need to take it out of my memory n it never happened. sorry to get annoying. it happened within two months so I am still scared....
Don't worry............everyone would feel or act in thesame way.
i guess. in my country, it is really hard to break any law... we don't have like misdemeanor or felony. we only have one "criminal record". so now i feel like my future is gone. I feel like it is the same as stealing thing or hurting people... :(

and in the future if i had one more step wrong or one more stupid mistake, i won't be able to come back to US at all. i do have my future in the USA.

can you actually tell me what would be the case that people can usually break a law in this country? I just want to stay out of trouble.
Just stay out of trouble…………Here it can even stop you from ever getting a job where you would make more than ten dollars an hour. Most jobs do background checks so any bad thing on your record would stop you from getting a job even if you have a PHD. Yours is not considered a really bad crime………it is really an infraction and does not hurt you in most cases. The system here is so hard of people who break the law………that is why the same people go in and out of jail. Once you mess your record and can't work, you keep committing more and more crimes to get money and eventually get caught again. So, don't take any chances with the law here. The digital age has made everything public in ways never imagined.
sure i will stay out of trouble.
i guess staying in the USA would be easier than explaining this to my country's people. :-S
so if i got the record expunged, get through the immigration part, get a working visa (should not be a problem hopefully), then I should be able to have a career n a life in this great country like the ticket never happened to me and it should be ok ... right?
You are perfectly correct! Your life would not face any problems here once the expunction is well done...............Your post is accurate!! You now get how the system here is..........let me know anytime you have a question. I know it is a difficult time........I understand.
so you said it should be ok for immigration because of the Petty Offense Exception. so would they ask me about the ticket everytime i apply for student visa, work visa, or someday even green card....? I am just scared, one time i would just forget about it....

and my life in my country is basely gone..... :(:(:(
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They would ask before you get your H1B visa approved. Once that is done, you your future employer would probably have put you in line for a GC. Once they learn about it again during the GC.....that is all. Once your GC is approved, no one would be asking you about it again in immigration. You would be in line for citizenship. Immigration based in the US would not give you a hard time on that. So, you could stay here till everything is complete and never face a problem...........You can go home after your GC......Just a suggestion if you are so worried. You would be fine either way....
may i ask how long the whole thing you say would take? work>GC>critien/??
actually i was thinking to be a teacher in the USA way before I got in college here. but this ticket made me worried about staying here. but i realize it would be even harder to go back with a "criminal record". so now i think i will take the first way i made. Hope god is helping :( keep me out of trouble.
by the way, the employer will look at my visa application as well? and he/she would see that i had been convicted. would that be weird that i told him/her no and then he sees it in the application... would he/she fire me because of that?
You H1B to GC time can vary depending on your company or your future employer…….. A minimum is usually in most cases 4 years. It varies……….As to your post, I don't know international law. But you can personally consult a specialist for that answer. I can't tell you what is best in such a situation. I personal if I were in your situation not disclose expunged info unless under the statute and limitations of the expungement law. You can legally tell your employer no and tell the immigration lawyer the truth. There is an attorney confidentiality privilege even when it is the company's lawyer unless you lie to them. Your lawyer can't discuss private details without your permission.
so a company/school (i want to be a teacher) lawyer will work on the H1B for me? so i will talk to two different people for employment n visa, rite?
so im good

just hope i can pass the student visa application 3 years later
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