interstate child support

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Time For Reform!

So what are we going to do to fix it? and who is going to do it?

BTW: My hat is off to JacquelynnWil !!!

Thank you for telling it like it is.
Afsovet you can file for an adjustment in child support if you feel you are payinng too much. You can also file for more custody.

Men get screwed, bottom line. Some women expect men to support the chuld 100% and that is not the case. The mother has a responsibility to support her children too.

It is child support, not adult support.
Jaquelin earlier said: "Family court bases child support on both parents income."

This is simply a false statement, and it is unjust that they do not.
Oops sorry... it wasn't Jackqueline who said that... it was Paradisecove.

Sorry I misspoke. Still, it's a false statement, in every way. And this fact is horribly unjust.
The incomes of both parents are used in most states. If one parent does not work then generally minimum wage is calculated for them, depending on their education and work experience. If a woman has a masters degree and chooses to be a SAHM, then a higher income should be calculated. That is the way it should be, but it does not always work that way.
Many times the state estimates the NCP's "earning potential" regarless of if they have a job at the time or not.

(no job = no income) + (high court ordered child support /or jail) + (no good job will want anything to do with you once you have been in jail) = youre screwed!
Thanks for everyones input.
I got an attorney who actually sped up the court process and my ex is currently paying court ordered child support. It is a fair amount. :cool:
The father and/or mother has a responsiblity to pay child support. It is based on income of both parties. The person who has the child living with them is paying for everything from toilet paper to clothes and school stuff. The other parent should pay equally too. The court will uphold the DNA test. He can protest all he wants but they don't lie and the courts accept them. Then with the court order, you can go through the child support enforcement office if you don't make enough money. If you make a lot of money, then it will go through the courts and if he doesn't pay you can take him to court. You would have to talk with the child support office though to see if they can help you once the court order goes through. I've been dealing with child support for 6 years and it's a lot harder when it's through 2 different states. You have to keep on it if he doesn't pay either through the courts or child support office. If you call them and bug them enough, they will start doing something. I had to write to the head office in Washington DC to finally get something done. Now when I call, they start doing things quicker. Also if he doesn't pay, you can ask them to check for his social security number. They get his place of employment through that and start taking it out of his paychecks. If he doesn't pay and they can't find him, the money adds up and once it gets to a certain amount they can send an order to the IRS. If he's suppose to get money back, it would come to you. Of course they always have ways of avoiding it. My ex doesn't file for taxes and quits his job every 6 months so they can't find him. He owes $20,000 in back child support now. The system doesn't always work but it doesn't hurt to try anyway. Of course in my opinion only, if the father doesn't want the child, it's best that he not be near the child. A father that doesn't want a child and says he's protesting the DNA and stuff will do more harm to the child than that child not having a father. Good Luck.
dont listen to that person

paradisecove said:
:confused: I really do not understand what 's going on? I never said anything about a spouse or children for that matter, he has none other than ours! He has many girlfriends and that's his business not mine.
I never said he had to cover all of my expenses nor was my example befitting to my situation. It was a example of expenses that may come about. Family court bases child support on both parents income.(BioMother & BioFather- not future or past spouses and if you read the laws they also consider other children)

Child support goes for expenses of children. (I guess you don't have children to support)
I came on this site for some helpful info not to be attacked.
I also put you on my ignore list and would really appreciate it if you would not respond to any of my THREADS/POSTS.

i dont have a clue who that other jaquelyn (spell) person is,,but apparently they do not know one clue what the heck they are talking about,, seems like there are just some people who post things and they are just ignorant and want to start something.
i agree with you paradise, dont let other people upset you,, just keep putting them on your ignore list.
jusitice for NCP's

Hello Folks,

This is to the lady jumping on the defensive side didn't mean to be rude to you, but I am talking about certain women. Not all states look at both incomes. For example, Illinois doesn't. I have been told that my kids don't matter and I have 4 babies with my husband of 12yrs and twins included. I do not work haven't since our first child. We were paying this woman willingly. Her oldest child just graduated from high school so no more child support from her. See this woman makes a living this way she has 4 children from 4 men and maybe have another one on the way because she has a live in boyfriend. No she is not an ex just a tramp that my husband was too young and depressed to realize she was setting him up for that moment. Protection was used both ways thought oops condom breaks! Anyways long story the woman is psychotic you would trip if you heard the whole story just know that she is insane and this is what we are dealing with and the system does not help. This woman's child is 11 1/2 yrs old and she has realized she wants more money and the system will give her what she wants.She lives in a southern state and our cost of living is higher up here. She has always known where we were she plays games like if you are not nice to me I will get child support on you or no the child can only visit if you give me this. She uses her child as bait. Things of that nature,but the law is on her side. This is why men become assholes women! I was told by several lawyers that my babies don't matter my oldest is 6. It is not based on the childs needs but 20% of what you make damn your wife and children and your bills. If they take 20% from us we will be in poverty what kind of justice is that.This woman can wait 11 1/2 years and say now I am going to get you and try to get back support too. My husband made a mistake he should not have to suffer and she be rewarded no man should.
Time for child support reform in Illinois Equal rights

The state of Georgia just changed their child support laws where they are now equal. Long time coming. They have to consider the man 's family and rights of visitation. I plan on writng a letter to the governor and senators to try to change the ridiculous laws here. These laws are based on the times women didn't work so it was expected that the man supports the family well times have changed and some states have not caught up with the times. Women work too and some women support their husband's. Go to Georgia's child support laws website and read about it's sad that it took so long. The new law is called HB-221. People understand a change can not be made if you don't do it. If there is anyone else interested in cost sharing laws in the state of Illinois or any other state let's see if we can make a change. I am serious because you don't know until you are in a situation where the laws are so injustiuce to you. Wives, men let me know how you feel especially if you live here maybe we can do something. We have to let our voices be heard. The lady in Georgia that made the change was a woman that was sick of the system too. She told me she formed an organization and talked to a lot of legislators. Please let me hear if you are interested.
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