ip of motorcycle

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I agree Ron. Any copyright on the drawings does not protect the patent. And if the patent has expired then anyone could produce the widget without copyright infringement.
I agree Ron. Any copyright on the drawings does not protect the patent. And if the patent has expired then anyone could produce the widget without copyright infringement.
It depends what they are copying. The function of the device is not protected by copyright. The APPEARANCE might be.
Well I pity the poor punter who ever hires any jockey to the gavel of such ilk, as not one word of my missive ever implied that I did or had that interest. But you are correct to imply my interest is in the deep corruption afflicting not only the bench, but the legal 'profession' in general where attorneys are alleged to be owned and operated by who or whomever may pay the highest price.... 'bye.
You're making things up. Nothing you've indicated shows any corruption of the judiciary, the legal profession, or the biking industry. I don't know why you have your panties in a bunch over this, but you've not indicated any positive evidence of impropriety nor that you have any right to have any action taken.
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Well I pity the poor punter who ever hires any jockey to the gavel of such ilk, as not one word of my missive ever implied that I did or had that interest. But you are correct to imply my interest is in the deep corruption afflicting not only the bench, but the legal 'profession' in general where attorneys are alleged to be owned and operated by who or whomever may pay the highest price.... 'bye.

Just because you don't like the way something is in this world doesn't mean that it is because of corruption.
whoa !
seems to be an App that searches out key words, "Crocker" being one of them.

Ive posted on other forums and the topic is 'attractive'. On one forum, the present day owner of the business name, showed up but he never responds to any of my emails .

These are wood patterns for casting reproduction engines. The final product value sky rockets, ONLY if it gets a period correct engine stamp is hammered into the left side crank case, supported by a vehicle register that just happens to originate from Mr Skelton circa 1970 but that list of engine numbers continues to grow. apparently California is so fertile that these "rare" items fall out of the orange trees.

These patterns do not belong to the present day company, these are 40 or so years old.

any product that falls out of these patterns is not genuine in any way. The people that present the end article as genuine items are what ? Corrupt

maybe time to let this topic go. But Im not stopping my research and maybe the end result will be turned over to the proper 'Investigators'

crocker barrell cast 2.jpg
Making parts that look like genuine parts has been done in the automotive industry for longer than I've been alive (and I'm 61). As long as the parts do not bear the trademark of someone else or infringe on a patent of some sort, there's no corruption. It behooves the buyer of these things to examine the provenance if it matters to him.

Again, even if you own one of the legitimate ones and these "fakes" somehow degrades the value of yours, you have no standing. If the owner of the IP doesn't choose to pursue it, there's no INVESTIGATOR you're going to invoke that can do anything.

About the only thing that remotely works if someone makes a material false statement to inflate the value of what he is selling. If I say this is a genuine Crocker and I know that to be wrong, you if you were the buyer have an action for fraud. In some cases, this might rise to the level of criminality. But knockoffs that merely are the same form as the original without misrepresentation or real infringement are not illegal or actionable.
but what about claimed 1947 and 1948 pink slips and titles of bikes, supposedly manufactured in a year that there was no factory production (1941). (forgery, false names)

I'm no lawyer but isn't ENGINE STAMPING a bit creative, if not illegal ?

production ran for 4.5 years. The 1936 quote was "12 motors" produced. that is a total of 54. The 2010 vehicle register was 72, there are today 76 and that includes 1941 and 1942.
1942 being non essential , therefore black market while under War rationing, under the nose of the War Production Board.
Rosie the riveter was working at the factory, which was re-tooled in 1941. after making scooters since late 1940.
The factory was building aircraft parts.
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