is "inspired" safe when creating items that look like ones in a film.

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New Member
I asked this in the business forum but realized that i may get more info here.

I create jewelry. I love making it. A while back i noticed people making pieces "inspired by" titanic or Moulin rouge etc. When i contacted fox, they didnt know who to talk to so they sent me to their wardrobe dept. the lady told me that if i change it just a little bit and say "inspired by" that they coudlnt do anything to me.

i still couldnt do it- i was afraid that i would get sued, so i cntacted the merchandisng dept. they planned on giving me a contract at a cost of 20,000 plus they have the rights to buy my products at 20% over what i pay for them, which is nuts.

is it true what the wardrobe manager said that even if i make a replica its not going to be exact that i can put "inspired by" and as long as its different they cant do anything to me.

so for instance, i create a butterfly comb that looks very similar to the one in the film and put
inspired by or just call it "edwardian butterfly comb" can they sue me?

im also looking for a lawyer for my small business so if you give me advice on this and do handle small business stuff make sure to email me.

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i just asked the patent office- if i chnaged the designs, 20% wouldnt it be "my design", and he said that they probably dont have a patent on the design, and want you to sign so they can make money. that if i changed it 20% and called it Edwardian Butterfly Comb that they couldnt do anything to me....

any advice?
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