Is It Illegal for a Merchant to Cover Up a CVC Code Sign in the Parking Lot


New Member
My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: orange county, california.

hi guys, need some advice.

today i went to get some lunch and parked in a strip mall parking lot. the owner owns a store and all of the building surrounding his store. he is very rich and seems to be above it all so he decided to make his own parking spot and cover up the cities signs in a way that allows only his customers the spots he saved. i didnt know this until i got a notice on my car. "will be towed in an hour". there is a lot going on here but my main question for you guys is, is it against the law for him to cover up the signs in the first place?

it is pretty ingenious the way he did it, and yes i saw the owner for the first time. he drives a new mercedes benz. looked like an A-hole. the normal sign is there which i am not arguing over but the fact that he covered up the sign with his own made up wording magnetic sign. the portion he covers up says all the rules you must abide by but when a car is parked you can get towed. the owner will never understand why, cause the people there will just take down the magnetic portion and expose the other real sign underneath. with the other portion now exposed, you are then apparently parking too long or that you are not that particular stores patron, which is not part of the cities official rule for that parking spot. talk about screwing the people. well i am here to ask for some professional or informed help.


The store name is irrelevant & was removed to avoid litigation.

Your friendly neighborhood MOD.
My question involves a traffic ticket from the state of: orange county, california.

hi guys, need some advice.
well i am here to ask for some professional or informed help.


The store name is irrelevant & was removed to avoid litigation.

Your friendly neighborhood MOD.

I suggestess youse took you complainer to the real police
is there a certain department that handles this?

to explain better here are some pics.

this first pic shows the sticker that was placed on my

here i have posted up the notice next to the sign.
youll notice that there is no info about the time limit. this is where i questioned why is there a time limit when i see none on

Don't do that again.

We don't want to get sued.....

after further inspection i see that the top portion is a magnetic attachment.
this looks very illegal in my books.
tow and then take down the top section so we would never suspect this trick.

here i can take down the magnetic portion where it now displays the actual information.

in addition, the yellow sticker they used on me has the wrong date. it should have said todays date (12/29/17) not last months.

i hope you now get the idea of what i am trying to convey after looking at the pics.

Don't post anything that identifies or gives away the business you allege of anything improper

This isn't YELP......
Report it to the police department and/or the code enforcement department of this is a city parking lot. Otherwise report it to the owner/management of the mall who is responsible for the private lot.
The notice you received does not look legitimate. I doubt the vehicle would have been towed.
You posted and received an answer in the other forum. The answer was from a California police officer. This is what was said:

The VC 22658 sign is posted by the owner of the property to permit towing of unauthorized vehicles, and not posted by the city.

Yes, a property CAN designate parking limited to specific businesses.

Regardless of what you think the owner of the business looks like, you currently have no cause of action against him. You can contact the owner of the property, or, the city, and ask if they might look into it. In the meantime, avoid parking where this might be an issue going forward.
its the owner of the store which is also the owner of the property.

so the answer to this is that the city department is the place to go. specifically code enforcement department will be able to look into it.

i personally dont want to go any further into it myself. i was merely interested in the whole thing because it seems like this little scam he has going is, according to you guys, legal.

i am going to have to assume he has towed some others before. the on site security seemed pretty adamant its the law there and that towing is not uncommon.

ill do what you guys say and report it to the right department.

as i read your replies, i believe its now side tracked a little.
you guys seem to be more interested in the fact that he has a sign there rather than the main issue which is....covering up the portion in which people need to know about and towing them on the missing fact of the 1 hour.
If a vehicle was towed and the owner could prove the issue with the sign, the person who authorized the tow could be held responsible for the cost of the tow and possibly other fines. The tow company typically has them sign that acknowledgment when they take the vehicle.
as i read your replies, i believe its now side tracked a little.
you guys seem to be more interested in the fact that he has a sign there rather than the main issue which is....covering up the portion in which people need to know about and towing them on the missing fact of the 1 hour.

We are a bunch of little nobodies, boss.
We have no power over anyone or anything.

Most of us live in the basement of our baby mammies' trailer, baby pappies' trailer, our pappies' trailer, our mammies' trailer, and a few like me are homeless living under a railroad trestle, when the railroad dics ain't huntin' my loser carcass down.

A couple have real jobs, maybe gettin' $4 or five bucks an hour doing day labor.

This is our side hustle, and we get buck a post.

Wish we could help, but mostly we need help.

In your case, best we can think of is telling the real police and see if they cares because real polices has powers to fix stuff, if theys a mind to, i reckon.

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