Trademark Is it illegal to include an album name on a shirt?


New Member
I'm designing a shirt and I'm including the word "blurryface" at the back and it's a name of an album by twenty one pilots. Stupid question but do they have it trademarked? I'm not planning on selling the shirt I'm getting a custom print company to help me print one piece for me to wear it. Is it legal? And is it legal if i replace it with the last name of a member (Dun)?
Do they have the rights to this logo then?


Don't use that one either.

Understand this: The group is merchandising themselves. Anything they create for that purpose that represents the group is protected.

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish or why but I suggest you stop trying to think of ways to steal somebody else's intellectual property.
I'm not planning on selling the shirt I'm getting a custom print company to help me print one piece for me to wear it. Is it legal?

Yes, it is totally legal. You won't run afoul of the laws unless you are selling or otherwise profiting from merchandise.
Yes, it is totally legal. You won't run afoul of the laws unless you are selling or otherwise profiting from merchandise.

Spot on, 100% correct.
Besides, how would anyone know who made the shirt, if you don't blab.
If asked where you got the shirt just don't respond.
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