Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Is it illegal to intend to buy marijuana?

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I got ripped off yesterday; I thought I was buying $180 worth of marijuana from a friend and I didn't check the bag until after he left, when I found out it was filled with flowers. Can I report him for this? Will I get in trouble for intending to buy marijuana (I don't have a club card) or is it okay because I never actually got any?
You can report him. . . but it's really really dumb, because:

As far as I know, via an episode of COPS of all things, you can get in trouble with the purchase of something you think is marijuana. . .(which is different than mere intent).

In the future, open the bag, take a nice deep breath. Looks for your stems and seeds, etc.

And NO, I don't use marijuana. . . but I think it's ridiculous that it's illegal.
I got ripped off yesterday; I thought I was buying $180 worth of marijuana from a friend and I didn't check the bag until after he left, when I found out it was filled with flowers. Can I report him for this? Will I get in trouble for intending to buy marijuana (I don't have a club card) or is it okay because I never actually got any?
You committed a crime. So, you can report your dealer and you can BOTH get in trouble. His offense will be more serious than yours, however, so you might get some small measure of satisfaction in that.

On the other hand, he might deny everything and you'd be left holding a bag of dope all by yourself.
Maybe a wannabe bag of dope. :)
Your intent is a very large part of a criminal act. If you paid money believing the contents to be marijuana, then yes, you committed a crime.

If you reported this I doubt you would get busted though. The cops might want to use you as an informant to get the guy that is selling. You won't get your money back though.
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