Is it legal for a 17 year old to be with a 20 year old?

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It depends on your state and also on your definition of "date". No matter what state you're in, the law does not give a hoot who you hang out with at school or school events or the mall; who you go to the movies with; or whatever it is that kids do today. The law does care who you are having sexual contact with, and sexual contact is not limited to intercourse. How much they care and whether they care at all once you hit 17 is state specific. Your IP address says you're in California, and CA cares very much who you have sexual contact with until you reach 18.

So, assuming that you are in CA, the law is perfectly fine with anything non-sexual you do, but anything remotely sexual that you do, if you couldn't do it in front of your parents, could land your legally-adult boyfriend in a world of hurt.
There are no laws that define or restrict "dating" its when sex or sexual contact (does not have to be physical) happens that law steps in or applies.
The problem also is sometimes people see & report things (sometimes they even report things that are not true). If someone reports what they believe was sex/sexual contact, the 19 year old* "could be" in a bunch of trouble. You will be 18 in a year or less - you might want to consider waiting to have any type of relationship.

The answer to your question though is yes it's legal to be together as long as sex/sexual contact is not involved.

*in title of thread you say 20 years old
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How many times will these sex crazed freaks ask permission of strangers to get their freak on?

As if anything we say means anything.

What a world.

That's not necessarily true, and if she's in the state where her IP address says she is it's NOT true. State law varies and the age of consent does too.
nikalee1522, please do not reply to old threads & your answer, as cbg noted, is not necessarily true.
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