After working for a company for 3 years, I was promoted onto a new team. Coming from Support onto Sales was a big change. Support made you work hard, cover your trails, etc. Whereas the Sales team was just about the #'s & moving along, never accuracy. I began having problems with my team lead because accounts I would have would be messed up because she never verified anything, costing the company thousands of dollars in her errors. She would tell me don't worry about it & just cover for her. Not wanting to get fired, I was fixing accounts as I went along. My team lead would yell at me in front of coworkers (because I made her look bad) & I would tell her I was just covering myself because I didn't want my name on her errors. After taking her abuse for months, I went to my boss not knowing what else to do. Instead of helping me, my boss made it worse. She began abusing me too. Long story short, even though I had written proof that I was abused by them, I was released from my position when the owners of the company left the country (because the owners really liked me and knew how hard I worked). I was not provided a reason, just released. I was offered a severance package in exchange for my silence, which I declined. Knowing there were no current laws to cover me, I joined onto a committee to help pass the Massachusetts Healthy Workplace Bill. My question is, is it illegal for me to go public about what happened to me either in the newspaper or news, etc. If its true, its not defamation and I have proof in email format, as well as copied conversations from coworkers from instant messages. If you need any additional information, please let me know.
I thank you to anyone who can help me here.
I thank you to anyone who can help me here.