Is it slander if I notify Boss of criminal history?

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What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? indiana
I need advice and i feel like Im getting just run around from my local police dept!
Ill try to make the post short, I had a break and enter in my house. Came home from a vaca. to find all my electronics stolen and alot of other things, kids rooms destroyed and so on. come to find out the thieves left their property in my house with a name on it, found it and found out it was my 20yo cousin and her boyfriend. Went to her house , sister let me in when i found my laptop sitting on her desk. called detectives who in turn arrested the cousin eventually 2 weeks later. and her boyfriend. the boyfriend admitted to being in my house and taking stuff that my cousin told him to take and my neighbors put them att the scene. now my cousin is out of jail on bond with 2 class d felonies against her and 1 class b. she has a court date on aug 10 but she is laughing it up on facebook talking about how happy she is and how she is working so much and she is such an angel and it makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!! My question is if i go to where she works and just leave the info on her arrest is that slander even though its true? I just need people to know she will screw anyone over at anytime! I actually helped raise this girl and she did over 10,000 worth of damage to my home and scared the living daylights outta my kids! I need to know what I can do because from the looks of it she will get away with this? Please Thanks in advance!!!!
No, it is not slander, but nothing good will come of doing so. Leave her alone. The court will handle it all in a few days.
In order for someone to bring a slander or libel suit they have to prove three things - you have to prove it was stated or printed, you have to prove it was false and you have to prove someone believed it. The fact that it is a true ends that argument. However you may be running a risk of harassment charges or something of the like. As stated let it go, and let the courts handle this.
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