Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Is there any way to get my license?


New Member
I am on parole for DWI. As in every parolees conditions, in mine it states to follow all laws and not to drive without an interlock device. A few days ago I drove and got a ticket for no driver's license, and of course the car had no interlock device however the cop didnt make a note of that. Will my parole officer find out about this? Should I tell him or pay the fine and not worry about him finding out? Will i get my parole violated if I tell him?

Combined this thread/post with first thread of OPs that I answered. Betty3
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I have a total of 6 DWI's, 2 evading arrest in a motor vehicle, many speeding tickets, no insurance, no license, etc. violations. I owe an outstanding amount in city fines, surcharge fees, and fines imposed by a judge that may have a hold on my license. I need to get a license to be able to go to work. Is there any way that I can get an SR-22 license, meaning if i can get a judge to overrule all and give me a license strictly to be able to get to work?
You can talk to a traffic law attorney but it seems doubtful you will get a judge to overrule all & allow you to get a license. (even if you got a SR-22 re ins.)
You were not just driving without an interlock device but without a license. Per your other thread/post seems judge might have a "hold" on your license for prior offenses. You might want to let your PO know that you drove w/o a lic. & w/o an interlock device. It seems you shouldn't have even been driving if you didn't have a license. There is probably a good chance you will get a parole violation.
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