Is there anything I can do?

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Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I bought a house and the seller agreed to pay closing costs. He also told me that he was going to apply for extra money on the loan so that we would have extra money to do what we wanted with ie new carpeting, whatever. He told us that the loan company would make the check out to him and on the day we closed on the property he would have a check for us for the extra money that had been put on the loan. He also agreed to have one of his contractors put an entrance to the attic and build the stairs for us and if we would do the labor ourselves, supply the materials for finishing the attic off into another room. The asking price on the house was 29,000, then loan was for 33,250, now he did loan us the money for the first year of insurance on the house which it was agreed would come out of the extra money to pay him back. The day of close he didn't show up and when we asked about it was told that was between him and us, so we went to his office and talked with his secretary and she got him on the phone. He told her to write us a check for $500 and tols her to tell us that he would get everything figured out and get back to us. We haven't heard from him since, I have sent him a couple emails, and I have left him a message on his cell phone, but it doesn't look like he is returning my communications. We are talking 3150 here, I would just like to know what I paid for with the money and if that is indeed the "extra" money we were told about, then it would be helpful to have it. Is there anything I can do?
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