Is this Discrimination and/or Harrassment?

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I have no idea really where to start and I could right a book. I have always owned my own business. About two years ago, I sold my business and started to work on my masters... I want to teach middle school. The hours of a teacher fits into my schedule with my 3 children. Well, a year ago I was approached by a business man in my town about coming to work for him. He was building a HUGE Funeral Home and wanted me to be the office manager. I did not say yes right away... I had 3 conversations with him in regards to hours... I am a mother of 3... going to 3 different schools and I have no one to help me. I pick them up, take them to their practices, etc... He assured me that I would be my own boss and work around my kids schedules, as long as the paper work was done. I told him that it sounds awesome.... I but I could not work a job with tons of hours and he understood. He said I was the "missing link" to the business. This is my hometown... so I know everyone. I have done so much for him including doing his logo which I never even got a thank you for and continually tells people he did it. This job has never been what he promised. I worked LONG days and could hardly ever pick my kids up. I have worked all nights, weekends, etc... I am on call 7 days a week. I mentioen to him that school was starting back and I would take a lunch from 3 - 4 and go get my kids...did I mention, I never took a lunch??? He went irrate and told me he would hire someone else and split my hours with them. He said, "I will never hire anyone with kids again" I told him that was unfair since I have not missed anytime from work!! He took me off salary and paid me just a little over minimum wage. I told him being on hourly he didnt have to know where I was all the time, if I was not here I would not get paid... this never worked, nothing changed for the next 2 weeks....Every time I answered the phone, he did also and listened. When people started asking for me, he told me he didn't want that. People are here to see me!! NOT you! I am king of this universe!.... he went on and on....He has made me cry numerous time by his actions, setting at my desk, literally breathing so hard it gave me goosebumps!, I could write a book on him!!! And I am pretty tough, but he is so evil!! He talks about everyone, including his families he works for... His wife came in about a month after I started and thanked me for not quitting... she didn't know how I could stand it, but she felt I was good for him. She knew how ugly he has been and that last week that I was there she told me she didnt know how I stood it this long.....etc.... so she knew how bad it was and she said she was sorry!... I quit on a Sunday a few weeks ago, I had tried to leave that week, he saidthat I couldnt leave he needed me... after he cut my hours, he wanted me to train someone... I got the was my replace and after all I have done for him.... I would not train someone. I have own a sucessful business fo 16 years and I have never been the kind of boss he is... I don't think I could have dreamed him up if I wanted too!!! I just could not have my name related to his business..... everyday I hear of someone he has been ugly or rude to!!! I have never gotten legal advice... never needed it, but in my heart....someone has got to put him in his place!!! Is this me?....or do I just walk away and forget it? I just cant get it off my mind...he has really torn me up. The last few weeks, I have hardly slept.... I dream about the man and how mean he is... everyone else is so scared of him...he pays very well and the ones that work there, need that's almost like a cult of sorts.... BUT HE HAS MADE ME FEEL LIKE SUCH A FAILURE!!! Anyone, please have advice for me... I am now unemployed and dont know what to do. THANKS!!
He was simply a mean employer. Nothing illegal about that. He was using you and you put up with it for awhile since you needed the job. Thankfully you wised up and quit. Unfortunately, due to the recession getting a new job may be tough. Yet, when you do find a new job it will be better - guaranteed!
Sounds like you should have quit a long time ago. This sounds like a new business that was formed that did not go according to the template. That happens with new business the owner has an idea, but things just don't work out according to the idea, and adjustments have to be made.
Thank you for your comments

Thanks for your comments. I just get so aggravated that he promised the moon and I received nothing he promised. I stopped my Master's program because he made this sound like a dream! That is why I had several conversations with him! I would have NEVER taken this job if he had told me the truth!!! Never, because I knew I could not do the hours and I told him. Yes, he used me. I set his entire office up.... from logo, website, software, everything. Now, he goes on his merry way and I am without a job because I could not work the hours with my schedule. Yes, this is a new business, but 5 years ago he sold out (he has always been in this business) and made millions.... Now his "no compete clause" ran out and he started another funeral home. That's what gets me.... he knew what he was doing but just didnt tell me......... now, after all I have done.... I am the one without a job!!! and trying to support 3 kids.

Another issue is his pricing... we had set prices with the state....but on some charges he did what he wanted depending on the family....weither they had money or not. Is this illegal? I asked him about it, I was told to put whatever he puts on each contract. But why do you send your prices into the state?

Also, in the beginning he ask me to sign one of the embalmers names a few times, I told him I would not.

Lastly, my boss is not a licensed insurance agent. He has hired another person to do this....but this person never gets too... my former boss always does everything then brings contract out to the agent to sign.... when the agent has never even meet the family.
Yes, it is a new business, but he has always been in this business... he knew exactly what he was doing.....He had just came out of his "no compete clause" after he sold his last funeral home for millions.
did you have an employment contract with this employer, were any of his promises in writing in either the form of a verbal or written contract - there is your 'legal' basis

yes, verbal promises are legally binding contracts. you know the saying, what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...
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