Is this Good Cause for Quitting?

I quit my job because I felt I had no choice. I was a store manager at a gas station and from the day my RDO told me that if I hadn't been put in the MIT program to call him and he would make it happen, he told me that in front of another manager and our MM, I have felt the MM had it out for me. The company has two different types of systems depending on what site you work on. I was sent to a site I hadn't been properly trained on by my MM. I continuously asked for better training and never got it. I just pushed through. The store was also in a not so good neighborhood. The year and a half I was there my tires had been slashed at least 5 times, I had been threaten by customers, I was had hot coffee thrown on me by an angry customer. I report all this everytime it happened to me MM and nothing was done about it. I asked for a transfer two times due to MM coming into store talking so badly about me to my assistant manager and in front of customers that they would say things to me the next time they saw me so I felt she didn't like me and was not giving me the proper items to succeed like the correct training I had been asking for. Couple day after asking I was put a Performance Plan. We followed the plan, had meetings, did really good to get off the plan. The next time I had asked was due to safely reasons and never having a day off, a couple days later MM came to store with papers saying I either resign or take a demotion(Monday). I believed this was not right and told her I would do neither and she said take 24hrs to think it over HR will be calling you, you can give your answer to them. I left worked and the next day called our HR hotline and come to find out my MM already demoted me(Tuesday). The following day HR called and I told them what was happening and they were surprised and the demotion already and told me they would be investigating things and that I was put on Admin leave pending the investigation(Wednesday). Paid pay Thursday I was paid with demotion rate and title for the previous hours worked as Manager. I brought this up to HR and was told it would be looked into, that was the 13th of the month. I was on Admin leave until the 20th and I still hadn't had my pay corrected. I was due to come back to work as a MIT again with no cut in pay but transferred to a store further way from my home. I didn't go to the new store I got a call that weekend about a family emergency and I called and spoke to new MM about what was going on and was told I could stay home. Still no pay by mid week and then we had a death in the family and I informed my employers and I was told I needed to give a date I would be returning and at this point it is Friday and I still haven't been paid the correction in pay. I told HR when I get paid what I am owed I will return. On the 2nd of the next month I got a letter from HR blaming me for my pay being messed up by submitting payroll late on the 18th, I was on admin leave already at this point, saying I never spoke to anybody about the emergency my family had and I didn't report to work. I looked at my bank account and saw that I had finally gotten the back pay owed to me, (19 days) At this point I sent HR an email stating i have felt the whole thing was unfair and i wouldn't be able to work my best due to everything that happened like the company now has it out for e and will be waiting for one mistake so can get fired. I also stated how i don't even know if i was paid right because of the way my check stubs were, no hours on the just a dollar amount to pay. Nothing was done to assure me that this wouldn't happen again. I was denied unemployment because the company made it seem I was put on admin leave due to disciplinary reasons and that I was not meeting the required expectations. I was on Action plan in July. I found the cash issues that was on it and turned into my MM. I was told it was taken care of, we did not have any weekly meeting like we were suppose to like before, a few other things I corrected as well, or I tried to somethings I did my part and had to get the next step done my MM an i have text messages of me asking over and over for the MM to do her part. On the demotion papers they used the Action Plan as cause. I have proof of my part being done and that some of the other things on it were incorrect, through text messages and emails. Also I was paid Admin leave and did not take a cut in pay which shows I was not doing things wrong, the company I worked for never pays Admin Leave and as a manager we have been told Admin leave basically mean fired, we put people on Admin leave so we can get our stuff in line so we can fire the employee. Will I win my appeal case on Wednesday do you think? Is my reason for quitting Good Cause?
It was very painful to read that big block of text but I did.

Frankly, you should have been looking for another job a long time ago, given what was happening.

But you wouldn't have been eligible for UC if you quit without another job lined up.

You were apparently getting paid while being on administrative leave and then you quit.

I don't think you'll qualify for UC. But that's just my 2 cents worth. See how the appeal plays out.

Find another job ASAP.
I think it is unlikely that you will prevail in your appeal. The bar is very high to collect unemployment benefits if you quit.

However, I've been wrong before and no doubt will be again.
Will I win my appeal case on Wednesday do you think?

I'll add you to prayer requests tonight.

I'm not smart enough to opine if the appeal will be successful, but I'll keep you lifted up in my prayers.

Is my reason for quitting Good Cause?

I'm not qualified to answer that, either.

All you can do is give it your best shot, but an even better shot is to get a NEW job ASAP.

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