Is this harrassment?

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My supervisor has been writing me up on anything she can find. Some of the things she has wrote me up on had details missing, things I had told her and she igorned everything I have said. The details she has left out would change the whole write up into something that was not an error. She lets other employees make the exact same errors and does not write them up, doesn't call them to the office for "counseling" which is a nice word for being chewed out and lectured. The office manager is aware of all the write ups, I don't know if she is aware the others are making the same mistakes as I have done, but the office manager and my supervisor are best friends so I have little chance of assistance from her.

I have kept copies of the errors others have made which are identical to the things I have been wrote up about. Is there anything I can do? I am going to lose my job, we are only allowed so many write ups before more action is taken and I have been wrote up so many times I am at that level.
yes, it certainly is, however, what are your thoughts on why she is doing this. i had a manager that did the same thing. i called him and confronted him on it and point blank asked 'why' and what the problem is. his response, 'nobody likes you'. oh, good, there is a fair business practice for ya', set him straight right quick...

back to the questions, what state are you in and what do you think her problem is
I live in Iowa and I have heard her and a doctor discussing me. The problem is all the "errors" she had found come from this same doctor - no one else. This same doctor has not brought any complaints about anyone else either. This same doctor makes no bones she doesn't like me. That to me isn't an excuse for my supervisor to write me up, dumb things like the doctor couldn't understand my documentation - Friday I over heard her do it again and I know the doctor never read it, she wouldn't let me give her an answer to her questions. This time she didn't check who was around when she started to chew me out and give me orders - then when I started to to do them she said that wasn't what she ordered me to do. Then she threw a fit to my supervisor - I have a witness she gave opposite orders than she claimed. I have never been treated like this - I hate going to work, it is so stressful. The other staff I work with have stuck up for me, telling the office manager and my supervisor the great things I do for them, how I help them, it falls on deaf ears. The constant double checking everything I do, hearing her find mistakes others make and not making a deal of them, no one else gets wrote up for any mistake they make.
in order for it to fall under eeoc harassment or discrimination, the reason behind her doing these this would need to be due to you being in a protected class, race, gender, disability, sex, etc. for it to fall into a legal harassment or discriminitory.
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