Is this legal

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New Member
I tried to apply for a job with a trucking company and on the application it asked if I had ever been convicted of a felony. I answered no, which is true. I went up to the company for orientation before starting the job and was called into the office after being there for three days. Apparently my background check came back and it showed that I had been charged with a felony, but that it had been dismissed. the basis that they used in not hiring me was they said that I had lied on my application about the felony issue when I hadn't. the question stated if I had ever been convicted, not charged. They saw that on my record check that I had been charged and that it was dismissed, but used that excuse as to why I wasn't hired. is this legal or not?
Yes, it is. Even if you were completely truthful on the application, if they BELIEVE you were lying, they can legally fire/not hire you, even if they are mistaken.
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