is this wrongful termination?

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My name is Justyn and I am 20 years old, I am new to the board and I do want to apologize for my grammer and spelling, but anyway, I recently moved down here to South Carolina from Indiana, living with my father and step-mother. After looking around for alittle while, about two weeks ago I found my first job down here working at a gas station/convience store and for about a week, everything was great, I got along with everyone including the people who no one got along with and the store manager who everyone seemed to hate, after about 3 days of work, I was even given the keys to the store, code to close down and asked to be the one to close down the store and even come in on my off day and help close down the store. About a week into things I was told that the manager, Don, needed help at another store that he managed and I agree'd to help him down there and I began to go back and forth between both stores, eventually working more at the 2nd store, closer to my home, and for the first couple of days everything was great, but starting about thursday/friday of last week one of our machines started breaking down and we went from two registers to one, and was asked specifically to do more side work (clean up, breaking down the hot dog machine, cappucino machine ect ect) and to not to do any of the cashier work (I normally worked with two other people) which is exactly what I did, unless the other people I worked with were on a smoke break or using the bathroom, but that was really only less then a handful of times in about 3 days of work, but around that time both our register and our lottery machine (I was never allowed to do lottery alone, and if I was alone I had to tell people that I could not to lottery) started coming up short, $30, $40 or more short (as far as we were told, we never not allowed to check the balance of our drawer, the manager would do that the next morning) and on one of the days I was talking to Don, our manager, and he mentioned this to me but told me he didn't think I was taking anything or that anyone else was and that it was probably the machine so not to worry about it. Apperently this kept happening even through the days I had off, to everyone, EVERYONEs drawers were coming up short, EVERYONEs lotterys were coming up short, not just mine and not just the shifts that I worked.
Now aside from all of that, while on the clock I purched both Scratch-Off and Pick 3/Pick 4 tickets, which I now know to be against the rules, but from the first day that I had worked I was told it was okay, as long as I never rang myself up and I never did, and I was not the only one who purched these tickets, infact I would even help put money together with some of the people I worked with and purched tickets, but flash forward to this morning, I go into work like everyday but am called into the managers office where he tells me that I am being fired, and that if it where up to him the police would be there right now to arrest me, because it is illegal for me to purchase a ticket where I work, and not only that but he knows I've been taking money and that he has video tape of me breaking and taking stuff from the store and taking money out of the register and even video of me moving a video camara away from a register, none of which are true, not even the slightest bit, so he says the store owner and his lawyers were looking at the video to see what they could do, but to expect to be in jail tomorrow, and that he was probably going to hold on to my check to pay back for what the drawer had come up short, and sew me for the my question is really, is this legal? can he really do this? how do I explain all of this to a future employer? is there anything I can do?

and once again, I do apologize for the spelling and grammer, and if parts of this do not make sence, I can explain again or further, but I need help please...
Your post is very hard to read, but what I am getting from it is that you were fired on suspicion of something that you didn't do. That is legal. They are not required to have proof - they are not a court of law.
sorry about the post, I was very spacey, and it's not that they fired me, it's the fact that they're going to press charges against me for buying the tickets while on the clock, I talked to another employee, someone I trust, and she says that this happend before and the guy was arrested, the manager told me that if it were up to him I would have been arrested on the spot in his office, but that the owner of the store wanted to see the video before they decided on anything...
That's unfortunate and I'm sure you're upset, but it doesn't change the fact that this is not an illegal termination. It will be up to the police and the DA, not your employer, whether you are arrested or charged.
well, the news is I am not in jail, he really had nothing he could prove on me, BUT he is refusing to pay me my final 2 checks, can he take those as a way of paying back what the drawers came up short even if he has no proof that I took anything?
well, the news is I am not in jail, he really had nothing he could prove on me, BUT he is refusing to pay me my final 2 checks, can he take those as a way of paying back what the drawers came up short even if he has no proof that I took anything?

okay, I spoke with him today and he actually told me that he is withholding my paycheck untill I pay him $100 back for the lottery tickets, and if I do not pay him the $100 he will try to have me arrested, now I've talked to the police and they have said nothing illegal is going on and that as long as I did nothing wrong, I have nothing to worry about, but how in the world am I sopposed to get my pay check? and not only that, my reputation, if nothing is done about this, what will happen when I go and fill out an application next?
You can file a claim with the state DOL to get your paychecks. Withholding your checks is illegal, even if terming you is not.
Your post is very hard to read, but what I am getting from it is that you were fired on suspicion of something that you didn't do. That is legal. They are not required to have proof - they are not a court of law.
In pa we have the PA State Dept of Labor & Indusry..You will have one also in your state.. They can not with hold your pay for any reason. They have to pay you. You can file a complaint with the dept. of labor. They can file charges if they want, but they better have the proof. I am not an attorney, I work and help people everyday with wage issues...
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