Is True Link card for Special Needs legitimate?


New Member
I will be the trustee for a Special Needs beneficiary. I've read about the True Link Visa debit card as a way to provide a small stipend for her, tailored (they say) so she will not violate SSI rules for cash gifts for small purchases. Is this workable? Any references that this does work as stated?
I will be the trustee for a Special Needs beneficiary. I've read about the True Link Visa debit card as a way to provide a small stipend for her, tailored (they say) so she will not violate SSI rules for cash gifts for small purchases. Is this workable? Any references that this does work as stated?

To start, yours really is not a legal question.

With that said:

Fees and Charges | How Much Does True Link Charge?

Anyone will help you for a cut of the pie.

Look for a financial institution that does not nickle and dime the trust.
Frankly, it's probably easier to send them $20 gift cards than TrueLink if you're just trying to given them something without triggering the SSI gift limits.
Frankly, it's probably easier to send them $20 gift cards than TrueLink if you're just trying to given them something without triggering the SSI gift limits.
Not so fast. ANY gifts may need to be reported and some may reduce any benefits the recipient is entitled to. For example, I can't send my relative a gift card for food, but I can for clothing.
Unrestricted gifts are limited to $20.

You are right anything that could be considered room and board is going to be an issue on those limits. TrueLink won't fix that. While it meters out the money, it's pretty much a debit card on the recipient side.

Been all through this. My stepson was on SSDI and SSI after his transplants up until he died. It was more advantageous for him to take the benefits hit and stay in the condo I bought for him.

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