Issuing stock in a Small business


New Member
A small business (C Corp) is authorized to issue 30,000 shares of stock. The company is an internet provider so there are "members or subscribers".

An initial offering was done at $50 a share for a time. to all subscribers and $28,000 was raised. Another offering is being done currently at $30 a share. I know stock values go down after an offering so that is not THE issue.

The issue I have is that the stock offering may have been presented to a select number of individuals and not to everybody as a whole. It doesn't make sense (legal) to me that only a few are given the opportunity to purchase at a lower value and not to all subscribers. I have tried to contact the Securities division but they can't give legal advise. I would think there would be a statute that regulates the offerings.
A small business (C Corp) is authorized to issue 30,000 shares of stock. The company is an internet provider so there are "members or subscribers".

An initial offering was done at $50 a share for a time. to all subscribers and $28,000 was raised. Another offering is being done currently at $30 a share. I know stock values go down after an offering so that is not THE issue.

The issue I have is that the stock offering may have been presented to a select number of individuals and not to everybody as a whole. It doesn't make sense (legal) to me that only a few are given the opportunity to purchase at a lower value and not to all subscribers. I have tried to contact the Securities division but they can't give legal advise. I would think there would be a statute that regulates the offerings.

What the issuer of the stock calls "stock", the SEC might call SCAM.

What you describe as to what was done, makes me giggle.


Because someone is simply getting others to give him their money.

The people GIFTING the guy thirty bucks saved themselves thirty bucks, but still got CONNED.

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