It was to be expected, wasn't it?

army judge

Super Moderator
P.S. The Potato-in-Chief is down to a 27% approval index rating according to Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Wrong. That poll shows that 47% approve of his job performance and 51% disapprove. The 27% figure is for those who strongly approve of his job performance. So roughly half the nation approves and half doesn't, not that surprising given how closely divided the country is and how close the election was.
Wrong. That poll shows that 47% approve of his job performance and 51% disapprove. The 27% figure is for those who strongly approve of his job performance. So roughly half the nation approves and half doesn't, not that surprising given how closely divided the country is and how close the election was.
Scroll down to the Approval Index. It rates Strongly Approve v. Strongly Disapprove.

That's pretty bad for a President that got 5 gillion votes in the most legit election ever.
Scroll down to the Approval Index. It rates Strongly Approve v. Strongly Disapprove.

Yes, I saw that. But your earlier post said the approval rating was 27% and that is not accurate. That is what I was pointing out. I did note before the 27% was the strongly approve rating.

That's pretty bad for a President that got 5 gillion votes in the most legit election ever.

Well, let's see. Biden's overall approval rating six months into his presidency is, per the poll you provided, 47%. FiveThirtyEight, which aggregates a number of polls for a more consistent result, puts his approval rating currently at 51.4% FiveThirtyEight had your guy Trumps approval rating in his first six months of office at 39%, significantly less than Biden has six months into the job. So, if Biden's number's are, as you say "pretty bad" then Trump's numbers were abysmal. Indeed, as the FiveThirtyEight article on Trump's 6 month numbers noted, his was historically bad.
No, what I wrote was...

Adding the word "index" changes nothing. You still got it wrong. 27% was not the approval rating, or approval index rating, if you want to use that term. It was the rating for those who strongly support the president, which is a subset of all the persons who approve of the job the president is doing. You either made a mistake in your statement or you tried to spin the article to make Biden look worse than he is doing and it failed. Either way, you ought to just own up to the fact that you got it wrong.

And I see you have no comment on the fact that Trump's numbers at the same stage of his presidency were worse.
Well Trump did have so called unbiased news agencies blasting him nonstop and constantly. When Biden gets almost 100 percent positive manipulated coverage from CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS and still has those numbers then he more than likely is in trouble.

Granted Biden's handlers sometimes forget to coach him on what he can say or do on certain days. You can not adult babysit all times of day and night. They get lose occasionally.
Well Trump did have so called unbiased news agencies blasting him nonstop and constantly. When Biden gets almost 100 percent positive manipulated coverage from CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS and still has those numbers then he more than likely is in trouble.

Granted Biden's handlers sometimes forget to coach him on what he can say or do on certain days. You can not adult babysit all times of day and night. They get lose occasionally.
45 called 9/11 7/11. 45 mused the potential of injecting/ingesting bleach/Lysol to combat COVID. 45 can barely hold a glass of water. 45 mocked a reporter that has MS...on live TV.

45 managed to make it clear to all decent Americans what kind of person he is, don't blame the media because they captured it on video.
45 called 9/11 7/11. 45 mused the potential of injecting/ingesting bleach/Lysol to combat COVID. 45 can barely hold a glass of water. 45 mocked a reporter that has MS...on live TV.

45 managed to make it clear to all decent Americans what kind of person he is, don't blame the media because they captured it on video.

Well then you just proved my point, wonder if they would report that toxic out of context crap on Biden? Probably not you had to see/ read that somewhere and your masters who you vote for fed it to you.
Well then you just proved my point, wonder if they would report that toxic out of context crap on Biden? Probably not you had to see/ read that somewhere and your masters who you vote for fed it to you.
I watched him do these things on LIVE television. I base my opinion of trump on what I, myself, have watched him do/say.
I don't have a "master", nor do I follow a narcissistic buffoon who would be quite happy to see this country in a Civil War.
I watched him do these things on LIVE television. I base my opinion of trump on what I, myself, have watched him do/say.
I don't have a "master", nor do I follow a narcissistic buffoon who would be quite happy to see this country in a Civil War.

and who do you think would win that civil war?

if Trump would have wanted to do that or that was his goal then it would have happened. What you saw was a staged event from the left to scare people just like you and your kind into believing that Trump supporters are racists, want to overthrow the government, and are violent. Which you obviously believe. You can not commit a cultural war and an attack on everything normal Americans have valued/ been taught all their lives and not expect push back.

Remember the Military isn't allowed, nor any alphabet government agency to participate in civil unrest or pick sides in martial law and civil unrest. Unfortunately you and the just-red are in the same boat and just pawns in the ultimate chess game being unfolded by super powerful people to change the world into what their ideal utopia is. They just have to erase history, commit population control, and control your everyday lives first.
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