Jaywalking Ticket on Intersection Crosswalk

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I am a student living in Los Angeles, CA attending school here. I walk everywhere i go to avoid gas prices, parking tickets as well as the high parking fees in the city.

Los Angeles has a system where the walk sign is on and then after that, a counter occurs from anywhere between 20 to 5 seconds with a flashing red hand signal till finally, at the end, the hand signal is solid.

I was at an intersection crossing Sunset Blv. (which is 7 lanes across) and a smaller street. The walk sign lasts for 5 seconds and the flashing hand lasts for 15 seconds before a solid hand appears.

I got to the corner, ready to cross just as the 5 second walk sign was up and the 15 seconds began. The small street i was cross linear with had cars trying to turn over the sidewalk, which is legal since they are allowed to take the turns at that time. Thus, i was being caution and stopped a couple times in fear of getting hit. Right before the last lane, a car went in front of me turning right (going my left) onto Sunset.

Thinking the guy behind him saw me and was going to let me pass (since neither of us had a right over the other, thus its turn by turn basis), i walked further. The car started going, so i jogged onto the sidewalk to avoid any trouble. I got onto the sidewalk a second or two after the hand signal became solid and right before Sunset was given its green light.

A police officer, driving off of the side street slightly behind the car i cut in front of, took the right turn onto sunset and yelled for me to stop. He parked his car in the rightest lane and came out and immediatly asked for identification. Not knowing what the problem was, i agreed and handed it to him.

He proceeded to start writing something. Not wanting to argue with the officer and not knowing exactly what he was doing, i didn't say anything. He asked me to look into his eyes for a moment (most likely to check for drug abuse or something) before finally just simply asking me to sign a ticket. I was so nervous and was visibly shaken at this point (i have a legitimate fear of police that i haven't been able to overcome) i just signed it and he was on his way, not even telling me what he just did.

He gave me a ticket for jaywalking (not sure if its technically a ticket for that but it pretty much is price wise), even spelt my last name completely wrong while doing so, and it said i violated law 21456B 29 (however i didn't figure that out till weeks later when i got the notice since it was unreadable on my copy). The law pretty much says you must use logic while crossing crosswalks when a lane of turning cars are allowed to turn with pedestrians crossing.

So thus, it isn't over. I decide to tell my story in a Written Trial By Declaration which the state of California allows and is a legal right. I deposited the bail almost of $123 in advance and it says it will mail the form to me. Weeks go by and no form. Nothing. I try calling the courthouse over the past few days and all i get the automated thing with the operator function. Then after i get the voicemail again saying the office is indeed open but TOO MANY people are calling and i have to try again later. Well after trying all week with the same result, i can't even call them to find out how to fight this and they already got my bail almost (which is the full fee for the ticket).

What can i do about this and if i indeed am able to get the Written Trial By Declaration, what can i write to help my case?

I purposely avoided a court trial because i tend to get intimidated in public court but when typing i can rather state my opinions with much more sense and fact.
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