Job not following doctors note

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I am pregnant and having trouble performing my job at work so my doctor gave me a note saying i cant stand for long periods of time on July 26. There is nowhere in my workplace that they can put me to follow that doctors note, so my doctor said that my manager has to give her a letter that says they cant accommadate me and then she will put me on disability. My manager says he is pretty sure that isnt how it works, but he said he would find out...he never got back to me. So i went to my hr and asked her she said she didnt know and would get with my manager i told her he didnt know either so she said she would find out and then she never did. I told her that my doctor says that she just needs to give her a letter saying they cant accommadate me. She said she wasnt sure about that and she would get back to me and she never did. I then told her after a month of nothing happening that she couldnt do her job, so she said that she would ask the district hr and that person could make the descision. i was suppossed to speak to the district hr on aug 25 but she never showed up.

when i first gave my boss the note they got all of my shifts i decided that while im waiting for them to figure out what to do im not going to lose hours so i came in during those shifts and my boss said i wasnt suppossed to be there. So i went home for the whole week and i wasnt scheduled for the next i assumed they were going to write the note and they never did. i was also getting 30 hours and now im only getting 20 or less. When i am working i am still standing for long periods of time.

What should i do??
Your employer has no legal obligation to provide a letter or anything else to your doctor. If the employer cannot accommodate this temporary restriction, then YOU apply for disability. Your doctor cannot "put" you on disability; you have to apply for it and be approved. If the state has questions regarding your employer's inability to accommodate your medical restrictions, they will contact the employer directly.

YOU, in the meantime, have decided to ignore the restrictions. The employer is not required by law to prohibit you from doing so.

And although I agree that the customer service you have received from HR is unprofessional, telling the HR person that she "can't do her job" is not likely to make her move any faster.
CA state disability is based on your Dr. putting you on disability leave. You have to file for CA State disability and your Dr. has to provide documentation of your disability to SDI.

Your employer is like mine, they hide their head in the sand. Ask your Dr. to put you on disability leave, file with the state disability folks ASAP. You are protected under pregnancy disability and medical leave laws. State and federal disability leave laws are EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY to abide by once you have notified them of a disability.

Maybe their idea of cutting your hours is also their idea of what it means to keep you off your feet more??? Can they provide a chair or a stool for you to sit on? The interactive process fpr disability is on them to work with you on it, but if they won't talk to you, what are you supposed to do? My employer was the same way. Cut off all communications once I was out on leave, refused to respond to emails, phone calls and USPS letters.
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