I have a few questions about a judgement filed against me. No need fo for entire explanations; just 1 or 2 words.
A little about my situation...
-Reside in a Joint Survivorship state.
-the countersuit was filed on against me, my husband is not named
-Bc of my husband's income, I don't qualify for Chapters 13 or 7
-Technically I qualify for disability, there is no way I can return to FT work due to PTSD, memory problems related to past ineffective of Treatment-resistant depression in the past, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorder).
-I work PT retail; I do not make enough for garnishment
-lien is on my half of the deed, the mortgage is in only my husband's name
Will I have to go into a courtroom with the attorney to answer questions again?
Is there anything my new attorney can file for the other attorney to not send me into another dissociative episode again? The man is truly terrifying. Just thinking about him makes me so anxious I tremble.
What happens when a judgement creditor refuses my husband's settlement offer, instead opting to attempt collection of the full amount?
When I attempted mediation at a higher court, the judgement creditor demanded another $20k and personal property in addition to the judgement decision? Does the Court of Commpleas change their ruling to the amount the debt creditor is demanding?
Even though I have made settlement offers several times, I shut down above mediation immediately. Was that a bad move on my part?
Who decides if my judgement is uncollectible?
***Will I be forced to answer supplementary interrogatories every 60-90 days until the judgement expires?
What happens to a lien on my half of our house expires?
Can I be forced to work FT to pay the debt?
Is "not applicable" an acceptable/"meaningful" answer to questions about my husband's income, mortgage account, property titled to him as well as an inheritance?
Is using a vehicle previously titled in my name as a trade-in for a vehicle titled in my name considered transfer of property?
What about if I were to have a car accident, my ins company totals out my car? Who gets the payout?
Who is senior/junior creditor on my husband's mortgage when the judgement creditor's lien is on my half of our deed?
What will the penalty be bc my husband stopping depositing his wages into accounts with my name on them?
Thank you so much for any answers, hopefully, they will help me sleep tonight.