Judgement from another state


New Member
A judgement against me in the state of TX was ordered by a JP in small claims court. Is this judgement enforceable in the state of TN and what collection efforts should I expect them to take?
Yes, the judgment can be enforced outside of Texas.
Collection efforts depend on the amount owed and what assets you have.
Wage garnishment or a lien placed on property are common, but require additional court action.
Tennessee enforces the Uniform Enforcement of Judgments Act. The person holding the judgment can register with a Tennessee court and avail himself of any of the remedies that would be available had the case been tried in Tennessee.

These include liens and foreclosure on real property, garnishment of bank accounts and wages. and attachment of other personal property (stocks, vehicles, etc..).
Is this judgement enforceable in the state of TN

No, a judgment entered in a court in State X CANNOT be enforced outside the borders of State X. However, the judgment creditor can take his/her/its Texas judgment to a court in Tennessee and ask that a Tennessee judgment be entered based on the Texas judgment. That new judgment can then be enforced in Tennessee.

what collection efforts should I expect them to take?

I'm at a loss to understand how anyone here could possibly know what efforts an unknown person/entity might make to enforce a judgment of unknown amount against a person about whom we know nothing. If you want to post some relevant details, someone might be able to make some informed hypotheses.

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