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Hi, my ex husband and I had our divorce take place in Tennessee. Since then I have moved to Florida and he has moved to Oklahoma.

I reside in Florida with Custody of our kids. Since the divorce (8 years ago) his wages have gone way up and I'm having problems getting payment. I'm taking him to court to redo our child support agreement and hired an attorney here in Florida. He's fighting that Florida doesn't have jurisdiction and that I'd now need to retain another lawyer in Oklahoma. My present lawyer had/has no idea about this.

Could somebody please help me in determining if I can get this done here in Florida or will I need to hire a new attorney in Oklahoma?

Could somebody please help me in determining if I can get this done here in Florida or will I need to hire a new attorney in Oklahoma?

Somehow your former husband allowed you to prevail.
You've lived in FL more than long enough for jurisdiction over the children to now belong to FL.

I suggest you IGNORE anything an adversary says about the issue that is being litigated.

FL is the proper venue to raise the issue of increasing child support after eight years.

Let him think whatever he wishes to think.

Once the current child support is increased by a FL judge, he'll disabuse himself of his stupidity.

You've retained an attorney, make sure you follow his/her advice as long as you trust her/him.
That's disturbing.

There shouldn't be any reason that you can't get a support order in Florida that can be domesticated and enforced in Oklahoma.

And your lawyer "had/has no idea about this"?


Yikes is correct! Nine months and $3500 later at that. She's worthless but I can't really afford to do much more.

Thank you for the reply.

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