Justice System, Police, Courts Jury duty problem

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I received a summons for juror service but it was directed to a fake name which I created when I ordered some items online on a few occasions. I find it rather odd considering there's no legal record, bank account, ssn attached to that name. Now my question is how do I explain this to the court? I would rather settle this by mail or online but what would be the best way to do it? should I just come clean or make up an excuse? after all, the person doesn't exist at all.
I received a summons for juror service but it was directed to a fake name which I created when I ordered some items online on a few occasions. I find it rather odd considering there's no legal record, bank account, ssn attached to that name. Now my question is how do I explain this to the court? I would rather settle this by mail or online but what would be the best way to do it? should I just come clean or make up an excuse? after all, the person doesn't exist at all.

You might want to FIRST speak with an attorney.

I have heard of individuals that were arrested under similar circumstances.

Speak with an attorney first, and then follow the advice of the attorney if it makes sense to you.

You could be facing some criminal charges.
I want to reiterate what I said on the other thread where you posted this. Massachusetts is my state.

Massachusetts takes their jury pools very, very seriously. This is not going to go away and it's not going to be an easy fix. I doubt that you'll be arrested simply for creating the fake name, but you very, very easily could end up in contempt of court if you do not take pro-active steps to resolve the situation one way or another. Do not, under any circumstances, ignore this.
Would it be a good idea to mail the form back and give non-citizenship as reason because it's a fictitious character and specify that the person doesn't have a ssn, any kind of id or bank account?
I'm not sure the jury commission will agree that it's a fictitious character. I think it's just as likely, if not more likely, that they'll decide that it's an alias for you. And I'm not at all sure that they won't be right.

There is nothing illegal about creating an alias. You aren't going to get in trouble for that. But I strongly suspect that the jury commission will decide that it doesn't matter and if 'Tom Black' is an alias for 'Joe Jones', then come the appropriate date they will want to see 'Joe Jones's' fanny in that juror chair.

If I may ask, which county and which court?
I live in Cambridge but it'll be in Marlborough courthouse. I don't even drive and need a ride to get there.
Just wondering, if I told them I've moved to another county eg RI and provide an address, will they check up on that? how about if I say I'm underage?
Do as army suggested and speak to a local attorney about this. You do not want to do anything that could end up coming back and getting you in serious trouble.


DO NOT LIE TO THEM. This can come back to bite you big time.

What is the big deal? Jury duty in MA is one-day, one-trial. Most people are out in one day and most are dismissed by mid-day. Is avoiding a single day, and probably not even a single day, of inconvenience really worth the fines and a potential criminal record? It's even possible that if you tell them you have no transportation, they'll excuse you.
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