Just discovered the new hole...

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
OK... I've just discovered the new hole that some of these disgraceful spammers are using to try to post garbage. Closing it up. Thanks everyone for your help. Back in action again now full force!
OK... I've just discovered the new hole that some of these disgraceful spammers are using to try to post garbage. Closing it up. Thanks everyone for your help. Back in action again now full force!

Thank goodness.

We were under siege, or so it seemed.
We actually were under seige. These users are posting using an automated spamming software called "xrumer" and it is notorious for being the cause of the worst blog and forum spam around. They targeted us but they will be turned away. This software truly has no legitimate purpose other than to create spam. I'll be taking additional precautions to thwart them.
We actually were under seige. These users are posting using an automated spamming software called "xrumer" and it is notorious for being the cause of the worst blog and forum spam around. They targeted us but they will be turned away. This software truly has no legitimate purpose other than to create spam. I'll be taking additional precautions to thwart them.

Interesting, because I even saw that name in some of the messages I deleted.
In fact, they were coming in faster than I could delete them one morning.
On another note, while you were posting this, "guestposter" was busy having about a dozen swats at us. LOL
It's rather amazing. Four more dumps as a guest poster but none of those posts are usually approved unless a user validates their email address by registering and confirming. Right now I've got it where the overwhelming majority of the guest post spam goes right into moderation and that seems to be working.
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