Just wondering what's legal, and what matters

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I am a non exempt employee: I am not allowed to work over time. I have been told, if I accumilated any overtime, even 15 min. I will be written up. There are other non-exempt employees that have accumilated from 17 to 40 hours a week, in overtime alone; Sometimes my work requires that I stay pass my scheduled time. I have work that I must finish, but sometimes I have interruptions, that must be delt with at the time of occurance, this is normal practice. I was told that if I accumulated any overtime; I will need to put it on my time sheet as regular time; but, keep a mental tab on it, and take off early before the pay period end's; under no circumstances will I be paid overtime. One explanation that I was given; was that I would be paid to much an hour, (time and a half) and the other employees make less, and would be paid less. Is this fair; and if not what can be done about it? Does this sound like equal oppertunity? I really don't want to cause any problems, I just want the same oppertunity and fairness, as any other non-exempt employee.
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The employer, not the employee, controls the work hours. They are not obligated to allow anyone to work overtime, and it is legal for them to tell you that if you work more than your allotted time on one day, you must leave sufficiently early on another day WITHIN THE SAME PAY WEEK to offset it.

The fact that others are allowed to work overtime is of no consequence. They are allowed to treat one employee differently from another unless it is because of their membership in a group protected by law.

Unless you have a valid reason to believe that you, and only you, are not being allowed to work overtime BECAUSE OF your race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, pregnancy, or because you are over 40, your employer is not violating any laws.
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