Keys Thrown at Me

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My employer, the owner of the company, threw her keys at me while screaming at me. I had requested an explanation for my payroll hours. Do I have any legal course of action that I can take against her? She didn't hit me but almost did.
tanyaflatt said:
My employer, the owner of the company, threw her keys at me while screaming at me. I had requested an explanation for my payroll hours. Do I have any legal course of action that I can take against her? She didn't hit me but almost did.
You could file a complaint against her with your local police agency. She at best committed an assault, if not a battery against you. But, if no one saw her, it'll be her word against yours.

You're better off quitting before she harms you or someone harms her. Leave before things go from bad to worse.

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Throwing keys would suggest an inhospitable workplace, although not necessarily a discriminatory one. If you asked for an explanation of payroll having recognized an error or problem, you possibly have a cause of action under the FLSA for retaliation. I agree with Army Judge - based on your presentation of facts, criminal assualt (or civil for that matter - under state law) is also possible. I also agree that finding another employer may be your best approach.
There is nothing in the law addressing, "inhospitable workplaces".

If you are referring to a hostile work environment, that has a very specific meaning under employment law, and throwing keys would not meet the legal definition.
My employer, the owner of the company, threw her keys at me while screaming at me. I had requested an explanation for my payroll hours. Do I have any legal course of action that I can take against her? She didn't hit me but almost did.
If there is a payroll dispute run it by an attorney that deals with wage claims.
Throwing keys at you is an assault even if they missed. I would make a record of it by filing a police report even if you don't want her arrested.
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