Kidnapping my Car


New Member
In October of 2017 my car was impounded and 2 days after the fact I went and paid these people over $500 in order to go pick my car back up Plus to the auto finance company I made that monthly payment and they faxed the release over. They ended up telling me that they could not find the money so two weeks go by and they finally said they found it but they had already sent it 2 a junk lot and now I would have to pay storage fees so I called my loan company to explain to them what happened and even though they agreed that it was their mistake and not mine there's nothing they can do about it so I go to pick it up at this salvage yard and by the time I get there she tells me that I owe another $300 for her having to tow it and I just want my car back so I paid it well after I paid that and gave them a second release then she tells me that my car is in transit to another place in Tulsa which is even further from me so once again I call my loan company and they tell me that there's nothing that they can do about that so I tell them I'm not making any more payments until they get my car back so I call this new lot and she tells me that she can't let me pick it up because she has to make repairs on it which really scares me considering that my car was brand new and parked. I call the loan company and once again they did nothing. the loan company recently called me to tell me that I'm behind and I need to get caught up on the last two payments before they'll do anything and I know they're not going to do anything anyways.if I pay them I'm going to be back in the same boat so I call the lot that it's at now and she tells me that there were no repairs made and that now all she needs is a release form. I explained to her that I've already had two release forms sent out. My fear is that if I pay the past-due payment for the last 2 months I'll be back to square one and when they send another release, ill get another dont want to leave my car in the lot being being held hostage.
Yikes. That is quite a mess.

With the exception of missing the initial payment that started all of this it seems you had been doing things right. You got hosed when the business failed to give a timely release.

Hopefully you have all your dated receipts and documentation of this whole mess.
This is not the fault of your finance company and you are doing more harm to yourself by not paying your loan.
You will have to pay the business that currently has the car to get the car back.

Eventually you need to sort out how much extra you have had to pay and what your total loss/damages are due to the first tow company not releasing your vehicle as a result of them losing track of a payment. If you don't have dated receipts for these payments you might be stuck.

Once you have an idea of how much extra you have paid, write a letter to the first business demanding compensation due to their error.

When they fail to pay after a couple weeks follow through with small claims.
I can do that! Awesome. But, I would have NEVER missed a payment had they have told those people to give me my car but they did NOTHING until it was their money on the line and after 3 months of no vehicle, I lost my job, my house, etc. I'm now UNABLE to pay both, Are they allowed to pass the buck and keep taking my money???
Yes. Your payments are due to the lender regardless of any circumstances regarding where the car is located. Your post is quite long so I skimmed it, but it appears that all of your difficulties came from the towing and storage companies.
I can do that! Awesome. But, I would have NEVER missed a payment had they have told those people to give me my car but they did NOTHING until it was their money on the line and after 3 months of no vehicle, I lost my job, my house, etc. I'm now UNABLE to pay both, Are they allowed to pass the buck and keep taking my money???



You're posting from Red Stick, aka, Baton Rouge, LA & Oklahoma City, OK.
Yes I am from Oklahoma City. We just surpassed Denver in size so before you let your petty judgements spew about being from the "sticks", Do your homework or .... travel.

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