Kids can be cruel-neighbor dispute

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My son is 6 years old going on 5. He hasn't really blossomed out of babyland yet with a younger sister of 3 and a newborn at home. He wines a lot, is barely physically active, but still wants to play on the street. His version of playing is playing is simple just interacting with the other kids. He will play the "red rover" type games, but doesn't really have a baseball catch and when he plays hide and seek tag he will always get tagged because he isn't very fast at al..

But he is a good boy who wants to see everyone as equal and never starts any problems.

However, because he may not be God's gift to kids sports and activities and like I said he is a someone who wines a lot he isn't the most popular kid on the street.

Let me paint the picture a little better. The other kids on the street range from six years old all the way to 14 years old. We live in a court so everyone can see each others houses. And they are townhouses!. Let's say anyone over the age of 10 is basically OK with my son because they really aren't hanging their hat on playing with a 6 year old anyway and if he is around then he is around. They may not love him or think he is the coolest, but nor should they because they are much older.

Their is a kid, however who is the same age as my son, but is very athletic and stays up very late for a six year old so he has more in common with the older kids. So this kid does not like my son and never has. The families were close, but hated that the kids fought all the time.

Recently things go so out of control that I yelled at the the other 6 year old kid and the parents went nuts on my wife and I. However, the parents at one time were so close to us that they gave us the green light to yell at him if need be, but when it actually happened that is when they got defensive.

However, now it has gotten so bad that our relationship is over basically because they think we are isolating the other kid by making a big deal about nothing. However this is a bad kid who starts with my son when my son doesn't start trouble at all.

Now they are thinking about filing a restraining order on me because they feel I will be yelling at them or the kid everytime their son starts with mine.

How do I handle this.
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