Kinship care

Four year old was abused. Audio of this happening was recorded. February 06.2023 grandma reported it to police then cps in the county child lived in and incident happened. Cps screened it . On February 12.23 same incident reported by different person police took child into custody . Cps filed ex parte the 13 of February. Grandma also filed but cps filed first , grandma was present at all hearings. Grandma had a previously approved kinship care for same child from another county. Muskingum county cps refused the approval , refused placement with grandma. Grandma is now having to call daily for drug tests. Drug assessment says she don't meet the criteria for substance abuse treatment cps refused it. Cps says she won't get child or see child if she don't test. Biological dad is in prison biological mom has not responded to Cps since February 12.23 Child has only been in her mother's custody for about one year her entire life
Four year old was abused. Audio of this happening was recorded. February 06.2023 grandma reported it to police then cps in the county child lived in and incident happened. Cps screened it . On February 12.23 same incident reported by different person police took child into custody . Cps filed ex parte the 13 of February. Grandma also filed but cps filed first , grandma was present at all hearings. Grandma had a previously approved kinship care for same child from another county. Muskingum county cps refused the approval , refused placement with grandma. Grandma is now having to call daily for drug tests. Drug assessment says she don't meet the criteria for substance abuse treatment cps refused it. Cps says she won't get child or see child if she don't test. Biological dad is in prison biological mom has not responded to Cps since February 12.23 Child has only been in her mother's custody for about one year her entire life

Who are you in this situation?

I am tagging @Ohiogal who is an Ohio Attorney/GAL.
Four year old was abused. Audio of this happening was recorded. February 06.2023 grandma reported it to police then cps in the county child lived in and incident happened. Cps screened it . On February 12.23 same incident reported by different person police took child into custody . Cps filed ex parte the 13 of February. Grandma also filed but cps filed first , grandma was present at all hearings. Grandma had a previously approved kinship care for same child from another county. Muskingum county cps refused the approval , refused placement with grandma. Grandma is now having to call daily for drug tests. Drug assessment says she don't meet the criteria for substance abuse treatment cps refused it. Cps says she won't get child or see child if she don't test. Biological dad is in prison biological mom has not responded to Cps since February 12.23 Child has only been in her mother's custody for about one year her entire life
For what reason did they refuse placement? Did Grandma request temporary custody? Did her child's attorney request she get temporary or legal custody?

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